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Truth or Dare?

RandA lThor

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I got this idea from Ithi's coursouv'ra thing or however you spell it, this is completely optional though, so if you don't like either of the choices, you have the option of not posting. I want some reward for doing whatever it was, but I can't, so i will just have to settle with you want to participate so you shall. :) I will keep track of who got the most after each month and will post that, they will get brownie points and if anyone wants to give them real points, feel free. Anyways, let me start this off, and a final note, please be honest in truth, we can't tell, but it is much more fun that way.


Truth: How many people have you actually liked in your life, this includes high school, college, and so on.


Dare: Allow yourself to be piinked/rainbowed by Cyan, if Cyan chooses this choice, then allow someone to piink you and your blue stick.

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Okay, so I'll start the new one I guess, and I'm telling you all this now... I'm awful at coming up with dares


Truth: Do you have anyone special in your life right now?


Dare: Eat tainted brownies with tabasco sauce

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Truth: to DM? Because I googled Wheel of Time, this came up, and sounded like fun


Truth: Have you liked more than two people at once?


Dare: Eat ice cream with sour cream, I have done this.

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Truth 1: I don't know really, it just seems cool

Truth 2: this makes me sound like a bad person considering they were best friends... but yes


Truth: How long have you known your best friend?


Dare: Drink milk, warmed up w/ cinnamon and vanilla extract

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@Rand Truth, no. Seriously, my answer to all of these is going to be no.


@Time 13 years


I would totally do the dare but they don't have vanilla here :sad:


Am I supposed to come up with a dare now?

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Truth: I hid in a locker across from a friend's at school while the lights were out, and when she turned the lights on and went to her locker, i snuck out and jumped on her back... she screamed


Truth: Would you let Cyan color you your favorit color


Dare: Dress up as a Disney character

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Truth, yep, I would totally color myself. Twod be aawesome! xD


Truth: If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? Truthfully.


Dare: Make me a siggy that says how awesome I am :laugh:

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Truth: the princess protection program *weeps silently*


Truth: How badly have you ever hated someone who you knew personally?


Dare: Make a new thread in the Red's quarters in the hall of the Tower in the WT org and paint their walls pink there, then check that thread and remain active in it.

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