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June Hot Thread Points - You were very busy indeed :)

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For those who don't know Hot Threads are threads that you've gotten a lot of replies to. You get 5 points for getting a thread to 50 replies. 10 points for 100 replies. 15 points for 150 replies.


The person with the most points gets an extra 10 for winning.


The Qualifying Threads for June Points were created in June or earlier, and achieved their relevant number of posts during June. We don't count official Threads started by Staff, or Mafia/Big Game Threads. Everything else goes in the pot :)



2 x 100 (Starwars, Boys' School)

1 x 150 (Euro2012)

1 x 50 (llamas)

= 40 points = 10 for joint winnin!g (Total 50)



1 x 50 (Lesh)

2 x 100 (Blackhoof, How do this?)

1 x 150 (Moar)

= 40 points + 10 for joint winning! (Total 50)



1 x 150 (Leeeey!)

2 x 50 (Twinny, Kitchenz)

= 25 points



1 x 100 (In my Day)

= 10 points



2 x 50 (Madness, You'll regret, )

2 x 150 (Shadowy Stuff, Very Odd indeed)

= 40 points + 10 for being a joint winner! (= 50 total)



1 x 100 (Get what you want)

= 10 points



1 x 100 (Auto-correct)

= 10 points



1 x 100 (Welcome Self)

1 x 150 (Ley come home)

= 25 points



1 x 50 (Things you hate)

= 5 points



4 x 50 (Blackhoof II, Stop what you doing, Darkside DS, Oracle)

= 20 points



1 x 100 ( ... )

= 10 points



2 x 50 (Nothing I create, I'm back)

= 10 points



1 x 100 (Points!)

= 10 points



1 x 50 (Welcome Kungfu)

1 x 150 (Welcome Kaylahn)

= 20 points



2 x 50 (RheaMawTurin, Hi)

1 x 150 (Don't click)

= 25 points



2 x 100 (GoT Sign Ups, Ultimate Mafia Question)

= 20 points



1 x 50 (Food)

= 5 points



1 x 50 (Guide to Awesome)

= 5 points



1 x 50 (Welcome Nicana)

= 5 points



1 x 50 (Fibonacci)

= 5 points



1 x 150 (Change Letter)

= 15 points



You were all very busy indeed. I had to go all the way back to page 6 to make sure I had found everything. Please let me know in this Thread if you think I have missed anything.


Thank you, Ithi x


Ithi that's very irresponsible, giving Maw a joint for a prize. He's still in school! We Americans aren't like you liberal loosy goosy Brits now, we don't encourage minors to participate in illegal behavior!


Also, hooray for me! And for Smiley and Maw!


And of course for the GLOD, who makes everything I do possible by continuously inspiring my evil deeds




Also, hooray for me! And for Smiley and Maw!


And of course for the GLOD, who makes everything I do possible by continuously inspiring my evil deeds




I think Des has done my (joint) winning thank you speech quite well


I'm so glad that you Americans promote such things to people once they reach their Majority :wink:


Congratulations again, it was really nice to see the Main Board and Village so active. I totally blame Despo for coming back and reminding everyone that Posts mean Points.




Also, hooray for me! And for Smiley and Maw!


And of course for the GLOD, who makes everything I do possible by continuously inspiring my evil deeds




I think Des has done my (joint) winning thank you speech quite well




I'm so glad that you Americans promote such things to people once they reach their Majority :wink:


Congratulations again, it was really nice to see the Main Board and Village so active. I totally blame Despo for coming back and reminding everyone that Posts mean Points.




Translation: Despo needs to stop pointswhoring




Jking Ithi, thank you, I'm just glad I came back when I did. A lot of other good BT'ers have come back out of the woodwork lately, has been a lot of fun :biggrin:


I think I overlook that Thread because it had grown to 400 posts, but was started way back when. I didn't even consider that the majority of those posts came in June, so good catch :biggrin:


And yes ... lots of points and lots of Winners. Busy Threads are good, let this be a lesson to you all.


I think I overlook that Thread because it had grown to 400 posts, but was started way back when. I didn't even consider that the majority of those posts came in June, so good catch :biggrin:


And yes ... lots of points and lots of Winners. Busy Threads are good, let this be a lesson to you all.


og course this just means that I must spam harder for this month


*start the montage music*


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