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Is it reasonable to assume that a tied-off MoM would hold inside Far Madding?

Wondering about this because it leaves a faint chance that one of the Borderlanders is Demandred. The weight of evidence seems to suggest Roedran is most likely as Demandred but still, it is a possibility.

Quite a few of them are singletons - widows/ widowers so there wouldn't be immediate family members wondering about changes in behaviour.


Second, Aran'gar's PoV at the Gardens tells us that she/he had pretended to be somebody else. Not Sammael (from the PoV). Not the fiery Dragon who came to Mesema because that had a female soul according to author responses.

So, who?

Was it the M'Hael or Demandred who came to the rogue Asha'man in WH and told them to kill the DR? It might be Demandred Halima imitated for one reason - he didn't recognise Flinn's uniform at the Cleansing (apart from not recognising Flinn himself), suggesting he'd never seen an Asha'man. It would not be unlike RJ to have killed two birds with that stone, finally debunking the Taim=Demandred theory as well as dropping a hint that Aran'gar was responsible.


Well he isn't one of the Borderland Monarchs. We did not see Demandred "on screen" in ToM according to Brandon. But It is a possibility that he is a Borderlander, even if MoM can't be used. Rhavin, Sammael and Be'lal didn't bother with a disguise, since who would know what one of the Forsaken actually looked like? Only Rand would know one by sight. I doubt that Demandred would be hidden amongst the Borderlanders though.


We do have a comment from Brandon post ToM that one of the Forsaken is pretending to be another Forsaken.


I am not sure about Aran'gar immitating Demandred. It is possible, but I don't see the point.


Why imitate Demandred?


I can see immitating Moridin, as he is Nae'blis, or Sammael, who is dead, but unsure with the Mashadar nonsense, but Demandred? That would just piss him off, and I can't see any benefit one would gain out of pretending to be Demandred, unless he has some influence we are yet unaware of.


Unless he was trying to frame Demandred, what with the "don't kill Rand" command. Although I am sure it was lifted by that point.


The prohibition had indeed been lifted at least temporarily, in WH though Moridin clamped it down again going by Semirhage's actions and the FS meeting in TGS when he forbids Dem/ Mes to rescue her .

I don't necessarily see the point of imitating Demandred either - but Aran'gar did imitate somebody - that's clear from the PoV.

I was wondering who it may have been and if it was onscreen.


I forgot about the "not seeing Dem onscreen" remark from BS.


Why imitate Demandred?


To foil his plans, to expose him, to possibly get him some agro from one of the others.


Heres a thought. In one of the earlier coffee hours Aran'gar said Osan'gar AND Demandred were supposed to be watching Rand. Osan'gar ended up being right under his nose. Demandred has some contact with the Black Tower, according to Kisman. But other than that it seems nobody, other than Moridin most likely, has a clue what hes doing.


Its been bothering Graendal, as we have seen in her PoVs, and she had an alliance with Aran'gar. I wouldnt be surprised if the two had some plan either to pull Demandred out of his hiding place and expose a weakness. Or even better, to put Demandred in Moridin/DOs bad books, by making it look like he did something he shouldnt have.


Not that Im convinced Aran'gar posed as Demandred, but its an interesting possibility.


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