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Who will fight for Caemlyn?

RandA lThor

Caemlyn Fighters  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will fight for Caemlyn?

    • Elayne and the Andoran army
    • Cairheinin Army
    • Band of the red Hand
    • Mercenary Groups
    • Rand
    • The White Tower
    • The Black Tower
    • Other Foreign Countries
    • Caemlyn will be forfeited
    • Other (please specify)
  2. 2. Who will fight against Caemlyn?

    • Trollocs (yes it's obvious)
    • Myrrdrall (yes also obvious)
    • The Black Tower
    • Other dreadlords
    • Demandred
    • Moridin
    • Graendal
    • Moghedien
    • Cyndane
    • Draghkar (kind of obvious, I think)
    • Darkhounds
    • Padan Fain
    • Normal darkfriend armies
    • Other (please specify)

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I kind of just wanted to know what people on DM thought about who was going to fight for Caemlyn. You can vote and discuss why. Go ahead.


I think that demandred is behind this, I think that the mercenary groups around caemlyn are suspect also.


it is my pet theory that there are trollocs and myrdraal inside the city trashin the place, and while the Band (demandred knows where they are because of the finder put on the metal pipe the Murandian king gave talmanes) rushes to the defence, the mercs are actually murandian war bands that demandred is going to use to squish the band against the walls and destroy them, and then use them to finish off the city if the trollocs and myrdraal fail


I'm not really sure that Elayne should be grouped in with the Andorans. Of course she'll want to defend her home but it may be that something else comes up (for her personally, if not for her armies). I didn't vote because there is too much that is unpredictable, too many things going on to say. That's a good thing; it would be boring if we could predict everything. Certain themes suggest certain scenarios. If this were a graded poll then I might vote with various certainties.


For example, I think the mercenaries are just as obvious as the Shadowspawn. Fortunately the Band is between them and the city (some armies might not like that, but the Band has its priorities straight). Mat is pretty certain to general that battle; I presume the other great captains can handle the defense of Tar Valon or whever else gets attacked while Mat deals with Caemlyn. Bryne in particular has studied Tar Valon already as a general preparing to siege it. But one might call this foreshadowing:


  TDR 20, Visitations said:
The Amyrlin gave an exasperated sigh. "You remind me of my uncle Huan. No one could ever pin him down. He liked to gamble, too, and he'd much rather have fun than work. He died pulling children out of a burning house. He wouldn't stop going back as long as there was one left inside. Are you like him, Mat? Will you be there when the flames are high?"


He could not meet her eyes. He studied his fingers as they plucked irritably at his blanket. "I'm no hero. I do what I have to do, but I am no hero."


"Most of those we call heroes only did what they had to do. I suppose it will have to be enough. For now."


It's possible he'll go to get the Horn first and get caught up in Tar Valon, but I somehow doubt he'll leave the Band alone in Caemlyn for long.


Roedran, the Murandians, and the Legion of the Dragon seem a pretty safe bet too. The Black Tower, of course. Demandred most likely. I don't know that Logain will have a chance to play a part in the Battle of Caemlyn; it's certainly possible that he will earn his glory there, but he could earn it at the Black Tower alone, or somewhere else. Maybe Logain will save Caemlyn, marry Elayne, and keep Gabrelle on the side. One would hope he'd get rid of Toveine.


I only voted for the ones certain to fight. I'll go through them all from my PoV though, if anyone actually cares :tongue:


Elayne/Andorians: You would think so, but I am not so sure. Too much could go awry, and I am not sure Elayne would be allowed to go, she is pregnant, hardly fit to walk into a battlefield. So I would say that the armies of Andor, or at least a part of them would be sent to reinforce Caemlyn, but Elayne herself? I can't say. So I didn't vote it.


Cairhien: Same boat as Andor, I think she might take the opportunity to get rid of some of the more dangerous nobles by giving them the "honour" of leading their armies in the defence of Caemlyn ala. Rand in PoD.


Band: Well, its obvious really. Talmanes is already basically there, and he ain't leaving the Cannons. He will probably send for the rest of the Band with Elayne, and they will likely go. Mat I am undecided. He needs to be at Tar Valon for 3 reasons. 1. The Horn. 2. The Seanchan. 3. Moiraine will want to get to Rand ASAP.


Mercenaries: I didn't vote them because, while it is pretty obvious, I think that seeing a heap of Shadowspawn inside the city might make some of them think twice. Certainly some bunch of mercs. will go, but I don't think all.


Rand: No, I doubt he will be there. Too much to do, and he doesn't want to be involved in the battles against Shadowspawn. Plus he will be needed to negotiate with the Seanchan. It is much more likely he would secure a peace treaty, and then a temporary alliance rather than save a city. In the long run, it would be more profitable.*


White Tower: No, I couldn't vote for them. Egwene may send a few Aes Sedai to help out, but the White Tower has its own problems.


Black Tower: I didn't vote them because I think it will be a mix of for and against. The Black Tower cannot be said to be one force. It is too divided. I can see Taim preventing help and sending his own Dreadlords to assist the Shadow, then Logain and co. defeating Taim, to finally send help later.


Other Foreign Countries: I think armies of Illian and Tear will help out, since they are the last that would be attacked geographically. However, I didn't vote them because too much is unknown. There could be simultaneous attacks from the Shadow on major cities, and also the threat of the Seanchan could prevent them.


Other: *I think that the Seanchan will save the day. After the assult on the White Tower, Mat, Rand and Egwene will come to an agreement with the Seanchan and Mat will lead the Seanchan armies to save his Cannons and Caemlyn.





Trollocs/Myrddraal: As mentioned, obvious.


Black Tower: See my comment on Black Tower above.


Other Dreadlords: I think this is a given. Most obviously the Black Ajah in hiding, and also some others we may not know about.


Demandred: I doubt he will actually be there fighting in Caemlyn. He will definitely have orchestrated and will probably be in command, but in WH he thinks that a General should not fight alongside his soldiers. Also, the DO will not want to waste him on one assault. He will be in overall command of the armies of the Shadow. He may turn up in Caemlyn to oversee things, and it may lead to a fight, but I don't think that he will be there blasting people out of the sky.


Moridin: I am not sure if he is even capable of "fighting" in the normal way. He is too intertwined with Rand and the DO, I don't think he even cares about Caemlyn, It is only a distraction.


Graendal: I can see her being there, but not enough to vote for. Being punished by SH, she may be forced into battle.


Moggy: I actually think Moggy is going to be the biggest player in the actual battle. It was her people in the Black Ajah that told Elayne the invasion was ready. She is also supposed to be rallying the DFs along with Lanfear. Being Mindtrapped, I can see her forced to participate in the battle. Most of all, I think she will be used to get through the Waygate. I think that it was Foreshadowing when she talks about putting a hole through Wards with the wondergirls(Or something similar, not exactly sure). I think she will defeat the Wards on the Waygate and be forced to participate. She won't have command, that will be Demandred, however, she will be the Forsaken actually fighting there.


Lanfear:No. She is otherwise...occupied.


Draghkar: I don't think will be there. If the Shadowspawn are moving through the Ways, they won't really be able to move with any efficiency, they are flying monsters, and awkward on their feet. I can't recall if flying in the Ways is possible or safe though. And they wouldn't give away an attack by having a whole heap of them fly through Andor to attack Caemlyn.


Fain: Well, obvious. He is in the Blight.


DF armies: I didn't vote because I am not sure about the "armies" bit. There will certainly be DFs there, specially if Moggy is to play a role as I suspect. *


Others: *Daved Hanlon. He is often overlooked, but he is pretty crazy and dangerous. He has done a lot of damage and is still free.


Yes, the Kin I think will play a big role. I doubt we will get much info on them after the last battle so I think the significance of Elayne tying them to Andor will have to play out in the Caemlyn battle. They haven't had a true "home" for a few thousand years so I think the Kin, especially those who deem they won't receive the shaw, will fight tooth and nail to protect caemlyn which could give them some epic moments during that battle. They could be the key factor in holding the inner city until help arrives.


I think that Caemlyn will be the impetus that brings the three Ta'veren together again and also Rand and Elayne together again. I agree though that Rand is also needed at the WT. So, I could see Rand, Mat, Egwene, and the Seanchan arriving to save Caemlyn. A lot of ducks would have to align in a row though; but, given that it is the last book, ducks lining up in a row is what should be happening imo.


I think some of the critical questions for the three ta'veren are:


1) Will Mat go to Caemlyn or the WT? If he goes to the WT can he then get to Caemlyn in time?

2) Same question for Rand + will Rand have other pressures on his time?

3) Can Perrin get to Caemlyn in time? If so, will he end up there?

  On 5/10/2012 at 6:43 PM, Sheepherder said:

Yes, the Kin I think will play a big role. I doubt we will get much info on them after the last battle so I think the significance of Elayne tying them to Andor will have to play out in the Caemlyn battle. They haven't had a true "home" for a few thousand years so I think the Kin, especially those who deem they won't receive the shaw, will fight tooth and nail to protect caemlyn which could give them some epic moments during that battle. They could be the key factor in holding the inner city until help arrives.

depends, there may be a high proportion of DF's among them too. Afterall we see DF rates go up among the desperate, jealous, and envious.


I think it is too soon to tell what kind of effect the kin will have


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