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A killer's first strike~ Attention: Myst, Arlow (planning thread)


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Yeah in the next few weeks they are soon inventory so they have him moving stuff around and preparing te store for it. He's got about 45 hour work weeks of solid physical labour. When he's home he just collapses.

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ah, that makes sense then. That's okay, we can manage it. :) I just pm'd Anrith about the lord..we'll see if he's interested to play more than one char.

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I just posted, so you're up next. I was thinking that you post after me and then Anrith. Because I think it makes most sense.

And might be easier to read it that way. But if you got other ideas go ahead :)

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Alright, I've been discussing with Myst about the heading of the thread.

And we've decided but you can of course let me know your ideas as well :) Just shoot away ;)


Anyway, that I'll kill two of your guards and Arina finish off the lord, but that I somehow let one of the guards slip away.

So, we have to find him and kill him off as well..to make sure no one finds out about our mission.

Let me know what you think of that or if you have any ideas of your own :)

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Just to explain why we've come up with a twist, the RP was going so well that Jozan felt a bit sad that it seemed to be drawing to a close so soon and wished we could make it go on a bit longer. So I suggested we could put a twist in to prolongue the end a bit and make it a bit less straight forward perhaps.


The idea put up was only a suggestion. Something about either one of the guards getting away or the Lord managing to run off somehow and the girls needed to go chase them because the guy knows too much now (or in the Lord's case, the contract was still going).


We're open for other suggestions too though. So feel free to offer your ideas too.

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Whatever works best for everyone is fine with me.


Jojohn the guard could get attacked and instead of fighting run to try to warn his Lord and the Lord can get away leading to his chase. Or he simply abandon his Lord because hes a coward and they can chase after him. He could get his Lord out of the Inn and you could chase both of them. I'm just interested in everyone having fun and making it a good story. However you guys want to extend it works for me.

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ohh, why not allow both of them get away,,and we chase after them. :) I like that idea.

With Alinya a slip up is possible ;)


Myst is up next. *pokes her gently*

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Ok, I'll need to come up with a way then for Arina to let the Lord get away from her somehow as while Alinya is down dealing with the guards she is on her way to the Lord's room so she's bound to get there before Alinya's dealt with the guards. And given that the Lord is currently 'sleeping'... Makes him an easy target.


Perhaps..... maybe there's some commotion on the landing of the Lord's room, preventing Arina to go to his room immediately and making her retreat and wait for the corridor to clear out. That could buy the guard some time to get back there.


I'll write something up this evening.

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