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HI this is Shadowmere. I serve the dark one(O.O). i'm re-reading the books because its been about two years since i finished. I love Sanderson's work as well so i don't have any qualms about him writing the last two~ though i kinda miss the detail in Robert Jordan's writing, thats it no more. My favorite character is Matrim Cauthon, that problaby gives you who i used to be... And i find Padan Fain the most intresting character. I like chickens, books and music (U2, Alice in chains, Decemberes and Coldplay). Not to mention i also like skyrim which i think is now quite obvious~. :mat:


Hello Shadowmere! Welcome to Dragonmount, I can't wait to see you are the forum ;)


Yeah, Jordan was much more detailed but Sanderson didn't want to try to write in his style for fear that he'd blotch it :P


Well he doesn't normally write in that style so he might have done it incorrectly... it would have been very risky.


Hi and welcome to DM, Shadowmere! Great that you joined :)


I like Mat as well (who wouldn't?) :P Who is your least favorite character?


Feel free to ask if you've got any questions! I hope you'll like it here :))


Heyyy Shadowmere!


Oh wait, I've already welcomed you in the Black Tower, so I guess there's no point in my usual spiel about making sure to check out the Social Groups...


But welcome anyway to the rest of Dragonmount! Any friend of the Froggy's is a friend of ours!


I'm also a big fan of Mat, books, music (U2 - major high five!)... Chickens? Eh... not so much. Except for food. That they're extremely good for.


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