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Shakespeare Week - Your Favorite Play?


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They are exaggerated to make them seem more exciting, but even so, they still don't entertain me as much as the dramas and tragedies. I think it's because I don't really know much about English history.


Oops...that's what I get for typing a term paper at the same time as this.


Might or might not be off topic, but it's an excellent point, Turin! It's popularly accepted that Shakespeare invented over 1700 words and phrases. Some of the more well known ones are:


addiction (Henry V / Othello)

cold-blooded (King John; first use to mean "lack of emotion")

employer (Much Ado about Nothing)

eventful (As You Like It)vulnerable (Macbeth; used in today's sense)

watchdog (The Tempest; first use of the phrase)

well-behaved (The Merry Wives of Windsor; first known use of the compound)

well-bred (II Henry IV; first use of the familiar compound)

well-read (I Henry IV)


Be-all and the end-all (Macbeth)

Neither a borrower nor a lender be (Hamlet)

Dead as a doornail (2 Henry VI)

A dish fit for the gods (Julius Caesar)

Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war (Julius Caesar)

Play fast and loose (King John)


To see an endless list, look here. It's from a site called The Pathology Guy, but I have no idea what his name is.


When I was growing up in Florida, there was an acting troup that put on "Shakespear in the Park" every summer, so I got to see quite a few, but my favs are Much Ado, Julius Caesar and Midsummer Night's Dream, I have never been in a Shakespear play but we did Grease once in drama in high school...hehe


1) What is your favorite Shakespeare play? Why? Julius Caesar. Because well im not sure why I just have always enjoyed that play.

2) Have you ever gotten the chance to act in/create props for/help out in any way with a rendtion of a Shakespeare play? Yes I played Brutus both times, and one time I had to do a mini film for it using a scene from the play :)

3) I know this is supposed to talk about your favorite plays, but are there any plays that you just went "blah" over? Ones you don't particularly care for? Romeo and Juliet. Good play but seriously? Heart Break central


"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war" pretty sure it's historically documented that JC actually said that one Mother, it's also in the art of war (I think as a quote from Ceasar)


"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war" pretty sure it's historically documented that JC actually said that one Mother, it's also in the art of war (I think as a quote from Ceasar)


Well that's something interesting for you to check up on and let us know *nods*


"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war" pretty sure it's historically documented that JC actually said that one Mother, it's also in the art of war (I think as a quote from Ceasar)


Well that's something interesting for you to check up on and let us know *nods*



I actually can't find it but the reference is used in the earlier seasons of Smallville


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