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WOT fan from way back!

Stacey Holditch

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I picked up Eye of the World in hardback in 1992 and have been hooked! I was ecstatic when I found Dragonmount and I cannot even begin to describe my joy at finding the 4th age podcasts! I never really thought about the WOT fanbase and the possibility of interacting with other fans until I went to Dragoncon 2011 and had the opportunity to experience the Wheel of Time fantrack! Brandon Sanderson is scheduled to be at Dragoncon 2012 and I am hoping to get my Gathering Storm and Towers of Midnight signed!

I will be working onsite registration at Dragoncon (volunteers are always needed!) Volunteers work 25 hours over the course of the con in order to have free admission (first timers actually pay $20 to become a volunteer, it covers the costs of the newbies that don't work their full 25 hour commitment).

I really wish I could be at Jordancon right now!!! I hope the con is going well and everyone is having insane fun!!!

I am hoping to make Jordoncon next year to celebrate the completion of our journy with WOT.


Hi and welcome to DM, Xerathia! Always glad to meet other WoTaholics :)


You're so lucky when you can go to Jordancon!! I wish I could do that too, but it's too long way from here :(


Who are your favorite characters?


Feel free to ask if you've got any questions! I hope you'll like it here!!


Thank you for the welcome Ledinna Sedai! I have never seriously thought about picking favorite characters....I love a LOT of them and hate a lot of them.

I guess my favorites would be Matt, Tom, Loial, Avienda and Suian, and of course, Egwene is made of AWESOME (that was stolen from Virginia on the podcast).

I really apreciate the Aiel because they have a sense of humor that is very similar to Native American's...very morbid sometimes and very hard to understand most of the time (for white folks). I am descended from the Mescalero Apache tribe and understand the humor and the desert dweller attitudes.


Who is you favorite(s)?


Welcome, Xerathia! We have a lot of the same favorites ;) I love Mat, Aviendha, and Siuan too. I also love Moiraine, Nynaeve, Lan, and Logain.


I was at Jordancon this year and had the best time! It was my first con and also my first time interacting with other WOT fans (outside of DM anyway), which was fantastic. I met a lot of great people. I plan to go next year too, so hopefully will see you there! (I can never go to DragonCon cuz it's always the same weekend as my family reunion).


Welcome to DM Xerathia! Glad you've joined us!


Mat's one of my favorite characters as well, alongside Nynaeve. Both of them are stubborn and loyal, and pretty funny in their own way. Guess that says a bit about me, eh? :wink:


Don't miss the Social Groups section of the site, while you're poking around here. I took over a year to check it out, and I feel like I missed out! It's a great way to get to know other fans, and there's a lot of fun to be had in the groups.


Any questions, feel free to ask us - there are a lot of helpful folks around here who'd be happy to answer!


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