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Hello, Fellow Aspies!

Leala Sedai

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I'm back, and I've decided to go through the whole process of this with my new novice, Ay'Lira. I haven't seen a lot of activity around here lately, though. Are there still Aspies around? If so, can I snag one of you for a roleplay or two? Anybody willing to room with her?

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Hey there :)

I'm also getting back to to roleplaying at Dm again *g*


I've got one old tower guard back in action, but like you I created a new novice to play with.

So, if you're interested we could be roomates *grins*


I'm always up for rping with people, just hoping I have access to all boards now.

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Cool *g*


Actually from what I understand we're not allowed to train as Aes Sedai anymore, since they don't do it in the books.

But I could be remembering wrong though.

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Actually from what I understand we're not allowed to train as Aes Sedai anymore, since they don't do it in the books.


That is correct. We no longer have the Weapons scores anymore. Instead the Greens teach a defensive weaves class which will cover the basics of defending yourself with the power. Although if you had a good reason to want to train I guess you could run it by me and LG and we'd consider it. It would need to be a seriously good reason though.

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I'll start a thread so that Ay'Lira and Liana can meet each other and we can kill two proverbial birds with one stone. :D


...Some time today. Can't say when.


Well, that was fast. xD http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/69595-sharing-a-room-attn-jozan/

Edited by Leala Gymorraine
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Just cause you're gathering here, my Yellow Aes Sedai (Seheria Sedai) is currently running an Intro to Saidar Class. I just posted Lesson 3 of 4, but anyone who wants to jump in can find the first one (Introduction to Saidar: Lesson 1) and catch up with it.

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