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Hello all!

The Bard Babe

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Hiya everyone!


Just thought I'd post up and introduce myself!

I just finished reading Towers of Midnight and about to do a re-read, but I'm counting on Dragonmount to help out with new material withdrawal symptoms.


A few quick things, Lan is my favourite character, although Mat is amazing and Talmanes makes me laugh all the time. Moiraine is amazing also and I'm very glad that she's come back, as my favourites have a tendency to die on me.


See you all on the forums!


Hi BB!!! hows things? Welcome to the place you can stop your WOT cravings!



Im Dice and after reading your post i think im glad that Mat is NOT your fav...I dont want him to die!! hmmm does this mean Nynaeve is as good as a widow?? ponders



So have you had a look around yet? Dont forget the wonderful Social Orgs!


What makes Lan ure fav? and is Malkier then your fav country?


Wow, another Aussie on my first reply!


Ooh, I'm loving the responsive questions!

I'm not sure quite why Lan is my favourite, I just grew to love him in the first few books, he's so enigmatic. And then of course, I read New Spring and he is so very brilliant and tolerant of Moiraine. :) And the way he mentors Rand through the first few books, ah I love him!

As for Malkier being my favourite country, well, I don't know if it counts quite yet seeing as it's ever so slightly trolloc infested.

So I think Cairhien might be my favourite in the absence of civilisation in Malkier. I loved the Foregate before it burnt, and the multitude of festivals made me happy.


How about you? What are your favourites Dicetosser?

Love the name by the way. :p


Thanx BB! and im glad to see you make good choice in Band regiments!


Responsive answers are the best answers! otherwise why bother? So Oz huh?? whereabouts? im in Sydney.


As for favs well Mats my fav character by far as he seems the most realistic and i can identify with his whole "im not gonna save u..... but if ure not outta there in 10mins... attitude lol and for countries well i kinda like Altara actually. Violent touchy men totally henpecked by women?? Sounds like my life! except im only violent in RPs but the rest is true!! i swear!




So Bard babe huh.... u a muso??


A muso? Very much so, yes. Did the name give it away? :wink:

I'm a cellist and singer, but I love attempting other instruments...I don't think the others around me appreciate it quite as much...


Ha ha, I'm glad you approve of my regiment choice. I approve of your favourite country choice. Altara is pretty brilliant.


Ah, violent on RPs...I'll have to watch out for you then.

I'm up in Brisbane.


So, any helpful hints for a new member?


Yeah have FUN!!!



seriously i massively recommend you look at the various Orgs. Personally im in the band (as u know) the Wolfkin the Ogier (tho i think an Ogier elder is gonna drag me home cause ive been Outside waaayyyy too much) and recently the BT (black tower)


Each org has its own themes. The band is music and military the ogier books and history the BT Saidin and Spam! for example Have a look around try to get to know the peeps there and dont break DM rules and im sure you will have a ball!



Also you might or might not wanna check out the discussion boards its where us crazies come up with even crazier theories about whats gonna happen (some of which have come true) and discuss things that HAVE happened.


Oh also you will find ppl are pretty helpful. If you have questions always ask. You can PM me if you want with any questions or thoughts and a lot of us are available on msn and twitter and whatnot. There is also a Dragonmount Facebook group and a Band FB group too


Hi there BB! I see Dice has already welcomed you quite warmly... I second his suggestion to check out the social groups. I was a member of the site for over a year before I ventured into them, and I regret missing out on some great times and great people. I'm only a member of the Black Tower right now, because the insanity is enough to keep me occupied. :smile:


I'm also a fan of Lan... Mat and Nynaeve are my current favorite characters, because both of them are hilarious and stubborn, but fiercely loyal.


What's your favorite scene so far?


Argh, I had to think about that for the audiobook giveaway...It's so hard to choose!

I loved Mat's night when he first learnt about his luck, I love him swearing at the Eelfinn and Aelfinn, I love his determination to kiss the crap out of Tuon, that was pretty funny.

Lan and Nynaeve's reunion.


Rand crying on Tam. Rand almost killing Tam. They were somewhat amazing.


Wow, you can't tell that I just finished readign ToW, can you?


What about you, Songstress? What's your favourite scene been?


The one that's at the top of my list right now is when Nynaeve drops Lan off at World's End and begins the work of assembling his army.


"My name is Nynaeve ti al'Meara Mandragoran. The message I want sent is this. My husband rides from World's End toward Tarwin's Gap, toward Tarmon Gai'don. Will he ride alone?"


Love it.


I agree with the night Mat was in Tar Valon and got lucky but i also REALLY liked his scene with Mother Guenna?? the wisdom in Tear.


I also really liked the Races when he saw Shiane.


Yes yes im a mat fan. Forging Mah'alleinir was a scene I loved! As is anything with Hopper doing his Yoda thing!



BB you should swing by the Blacktower...we already got a couple of kiwis so we need to balance things out. Just watch out for songstress...she has Lightside Cooties a very very nasty disease!



gets ready to duck


*sighs heavily at Dice*


You shadowies are the mean ones. And I'm not officially a lightie just yet, I still have to pass the Intro to Channeling class.


Then watch out, buddy. /rawr


umm thought that was over?


and its a well established fact that the Shadowies are fun and helpful while Lighties are crazy and mean. This is simple fact nods


officially or not i can see your Soul!! you are a lightie born!


They didn't get me into the class that just finished cuz I joined just a little too late, so I haz to wait for the next one.


Also, the way I read the description was lighties = crazy, shadowies = evil. Evil = mean in my book. Also you and EP are all the time stabbing me with sharp objects, and that's just all kinds of mean. >:(


Hi and welcome to DM, BB!!


Glad to have you here :) I like Lan and Mat too, though Siuan is maybe my favorite. Do you have a least favorite character?


Feel free to ask if you've got any questions! I hope you'll like it here!!


Ooh, I dunno if I want to get involved there Dice. Maybe I will to help out with the Kiwi balance...


And thanks Ledinna! My least favourite character...hmm...Byar and Valda gave me the chills. I don't like Tallanvor all that much...I don't know about least favourites. :/


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