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Hey people!:)


Been a fan and a reader of Wheel of Time for many years now, and I must say I never get tired from rereading the books over and over again!:D (addicted ;S)


My fav char must be Mat or Nynaeve.Mat because I kinda feel that if he was real he would be one of my closest friends since I kinda like the way he behaves, and I like Nynaeve because of here great ehm temper :P ! There are other chars that I like too: Sorilea, Hopper, Loial, Siuan, Moraine and a lot more of em, but not as mutch as I like those two!:)


Hope you people are having a really nice easter and I look forward to converse with ya all regarding the books!:)


Welcome to Dragonmount, Kikkus!


WoT is pretty addictive, isn't it? I only found the books a couple of years ago and I've done 3 complete read throughs already!


Mat and Nynaeve are great characters IMO... both of them are extremely funny at times, and have their quirks but are fiercely loyal and would be great people to have on your side. Nyneave is one of my favorites also.


Take a look around the site and feel free to ask any questions you have. Don't miss the Social Groups - it took me over a year to venture into that area of the site, and I missed out on some fantastic people and a lot of fun.


Welcome, Kikkus!


This is just the right place for WoT addicts. Except that it doesn't actually help you to get rid of that addiction. :) Not that I'd even want to.

I like those characters too, especially Mat, Nyn and Siuan. Do you have least favourite characters? Pretty many people seem to hate Egwene, but I like her :P


Feel free to ask if you've got any questions. I hope you'll like it here!


Hehe not sure if I like Egwene or not, but atleast she is not my least fav char!:p That place goes to ehm Elaida or maybe Taim..and Byar and prob a few others that I dont even want to remember ;p

Sigh less then a year until the last book arrives..cant wait!:D then again it will be kinda sad to see the end of the story..there is so mutch more I wanted to read about..like more histories about what happend before the breaking.. :)


Thanks for the welcome!:D


Welcome Kikkus!


Yeah Ledinna is totally right ppl come here because they are addicted then this place just turns them in WOTheads!! Songtress has a point too the orgs are great Ive been here since 04 and very very rarely venture out of the orgs . Mats my fav too Do u approve of Tuon?


and dont forget

Come and visit us in some of the orgs as well as here see what u like


Yeah I really approve of Tuon, she seems great and well she is also one of my fav chars!:D Just cant wait too see what happens in the last book between them. Sigh wish there would come a book about what happend on the other side of the ocean..a bit more history on the seanchan.. :)


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