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Hang the Fool - Green Ajah FoF 2012

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Something is swinging over the Flame in the centre of the Hall of the Tower. The chandelier rattles a bit, and an errant crystal falls to the floor. Looking up, you see a precarious perch, suspended in mid-air on top of the chandelier. It is made up of rainbow scraps of fabric, sewn together to make a canopy large enough for one person to sit. The candles of the chandelier are carefully placed so that there is no chance of a spark igniting the fabric. On this swinging seat, crowned with a wooden chaplet feathered with rooster plumes, sits Athena, cross legged. A toy sceptre, with jingling bells on the end is in her hand. She smiles and peers over the edge.


Prithee sirrah, what doest thou here? Could it be that thou art here to participate in gentle jocularity and feckless fun? Allow me to elucidate. It is time...


Athena flips herself off the edge of the chandelier, with her legs (and hem of skirt) twisted in the bars of the chandelier decorously so that the skit doesn't fall over her face. She dangles upside down, grinning at all and sundry, shaking the sceptre mischieviously.


... for Hang the Fool.


But fear not, lords and ladies! Thy gracious host shall come to no harm. The rules of the game are as follows. Take heed!


I shall post a word or phrase

In spaces bare; devoid of letter.

If thou would thy host amaze

Then guess away, and prove thou better

Than thy peers. T'will be mere

An honest jest, so nothing fear.

Each word will be from Wheel of Time

And if thou canst, please speak in rhyme.

(I do but jest, that's not a rule -

Tis but a part of playing the Fool).

But do not hope to see a figure

Swing from gallows; lose his vigour.

Ten lives there'll be, and for each correct guess,

Points will be earned, and I confess,

The winner will be the one who most

Displays the skill to impress the host.

As each letter is discovered or discarded,

I'll post a list to be regarded

To aid you in your estimates.

But give a chance to all your mates

To guess before you double post.

Ready now? Then do thy worst!


Athena channels briefly, weaving Fire and Air to draw five glowing lines in the air.


Word 1: OGIER

Word 2: _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Letters used:



Lives left: 10


By the way, I almost forgot. I will be making a list of everyone who participates to keep track of their score. The one with the most points at the end of the FoF will be known to all as the "Hang the Fool Champion"!


Participants: Points:


Ithillian 1

Ledinna Sedai 1

Elgee 4

Arez Al'Loke

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Why Ledinna, what in the world would make you think that the most common letter in the English language would perchance feature in this word? Thou art absolutely correct!


Taking a square of silver paper from her robes, Athena fashions a paper hat for Ledinna and bestows it on her.


By the way, I have decided to give a small gift to everyone who makes a correct guess. They'll all be different, and some will be... interesting.


Next guess please!


Ohh, Mother! I would curtsey but, as you can see, I am in a rather uncompromising position.


O? Correct!

Athena takes a multicoloured tinsel chain and winds it around the Mother's neck. She then takes a small blue cupcake and passes it to Ithi.


Ithi, you are... RIGHT when you guess R!




If guessing on a word is not aloud, I'll say "T"!



By the way, something I usually say.

Has't no one read the rules, on how we're s'posed to play?


Oooh oooh Ogier? Is the word Ogier?


ps: write it down on a piece of paper after each post, Ithi.


At Arez Al'Loke's first words, a huge grin splits Athena's face.


Arez, kudos to you for speaking in rhyme,

It's tricky to do that all of the time.

Sadly however, your guess isn't right,

But please stick around, as next time it might!


Mother, you guessed it, the first word is thine,

Three points do I give, and the joy is all mine.


She passes a glitter-encrusted plastic canary to Elgee. She channels Fire and Air and the word "OGIER" illuminates the room before rearranging to become seven new blank spaces.





Next one! *bounces*




Dang, Ithi ... ok Athena, would you mind giving a summary at the top of each new page?


For those who came in late. We are on Word 2.



Letters used:



Lives remaining: 6


Participants: Points:

Ithillian 3

Elgee 5

Ledinna Sedai 1

Arez Al'Loke

Crimson Ayla


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