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I just registered to this community, and this is also the first WoT community/forum I've ever joined, although I've been reading this series since I was 14. Here we are 15 years later... I don't know why it's taken me so long to join a WoT community. I rarely get to chat about my favorite books with anyone I know, so I'm excited about joining now.


When KoD came out, I read it immediately, but then life got really busy, so I didn't have time to read TGS or ToM when they were released. I only just finished TGS, literally, right now. I have a quick question, maybe someone can help me out, and I suppose I should mention that the question might contain SPOILERS for anyone who hasn't finished TGS yet.


In the epilogue (p. 1066 in the paperback), Egwene is reading reports on the Black Ajah who fled the Tower after Egwene's ascension to the Amyrlin Seat. She distinctly says, "Each of the Black Ajah members on Verin's list had been seen healthy and alive following the Seanchan attack. But most had escaped before Egwene arrived at the Tower to take her seat." The number she gives is "some sixty Black sisters" (p. 1065). However, on p. 1067, it says that "Each woman on Verin's list was accounted for. She'd been executed, she'd been captured, she'd fled the White Tower the day of Egwene's ascension, she'd been taken by the Seanchan or she was out of the Tower at the moment - and had been for some time."


The two quotes above seem contradictory: either all of the Black sisters on Verin's list were seen healthy and alive following the Seanchan attack, or some of them were taken by the Seanchan - which one is it? I'm not trying to be nitpicky, and it wasn't my intention to look for mistakes. I just want to know if any Black sisters - FROM VERIN'S LIST ONLY - were taken by the Seanchan, or if the ones who weren't executed all escaped. Is this something I'll learn in ToM? I can't wait to start that one by the way.


I'd be very grateful for any insight.




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Hello and welcome! I am glad you have decided to join us. Take a look at the book discussion forums and someone may be able to help you or you can start a topic!

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Welcome to DM, Will!


I see you've already jumped into the WoT Discussion side (interesting question, that!), but if you have time do give the Role Playing side a look-at. If your time is a bit too limited for that, maybe the Social side would appeal to you.


Just shout if you have any questions :happy:

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