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White going through TCoS, I read the entire chapter related to Rand-Sammael confrontation. However, in the end, there has been no sign of Sammael alive or dead. Later on, Demandred speculates that someone "impersonating" Sammael has resurfaced in the Blight. As we know that many Ogier steddings have been engulfed by the Blight and Moiraine has mentioned Gateways there. Moreover, there was a gateway in Shadar Logoth, near which Sammael was standing before hell broke loose in the city.


Among the Forsaken, I had liked Sammael, Lanfear and Rahvin (Demandred's like depends on AMoL). all these people have been intriguing and secretive, not to mention damaging. Sammael had used every chip in his closet wisely - Graendal, Shaido, statis boxes, Rand's weaknesses and fury. He was, till now, the only Forsaken that actually got under Rand's and the world's skin. Even Moiraine was scared when she realized that one of the Illian's Council-members was Sammael, and she had balefired Be'lal without much ado.


I want to know whether RJ or BS has confirmed about Sammael's death, or is this man going to play a very significant role in the end?


Sammael, in RJ's own words, is "toast".


Brandon later said the Dark One either can't or won't resurrect Sammael because of his death from Mashadar, so it's pretty fair to say Sammael is out of the picture other than his image being worn as a disguise.


Ive always thought it'd be something if Fain revived him or could due to his connection with S.L. and Mashadar, especially with the way he has total control over it in TOM.


Fain has no connection to Mashadar, or Shadar Logoth. From RJ:

Week 10 Question: Now that Shadar Logoth is gone, (cool way to get rid of it by the way), has the evil power in Padan Fain/Mordeth/the Ruby Dagger decreased any? Has it driven him even more insane? Or since the next book is called the Knife of Dreams, will all these questions be answered in it?


Robert Jordan Answers: The evil power in Padan Fain has neither decreased nor increased, nor has that in the dagger. The corruption in him was partly caused by the taint on Shadar Logoth, but it didn't constitute a real connection to the city.

The mist in ToM is not Mashadar, it is a new outgrowth of Fain's powers.


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