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Perfexionist Musings on the Wheel of Time


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I joined this site to talk about Wheel of Time, and by golly I'm going to. Because I don't want to risk spoilers, I'll make my own thread to discuss the books with my tower brethren.


SPOILER ALERT I'm on Book Thirteen: Towers of Midnight, and will be talking about it.


I'll post whatever is on my mind at the moment with regards to the series, and I would love to hear your opinions about it. Please please please don't spoil anything for me. I know the books run together (at least in my mind), so if you're not sure whether or not something has been revealed yet please refrain from posting about it. Thanks!

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Fire in his blood, fire in his heart. Fire in his head. No one and nothing would keep him from Faile.


Oooh yeah. Just read that. It's time to roll the dice. Faile is trapped under a building. Perrin is leading in an army to rescure her. He faces strong Shaido resistance, with more Aiel reinforcements expected to arrive around noon. The Asha'man are exhausted. Masema is at Perrin's back. The Wheel Will Weave.


I'm excited at this point. I fear for Perrin, though, dancing with Aiel. Time is running short and Faile is in an unexpected location. Something will go wrong, what with Masema and Berelain and the Seanchan and the Aiel reinforcements and the Two Rivers Men. I just hope no major protagonists die.


Your thoughts? About anything relating to the series at this point. (Please don't spoil how this unfolds.)




that really bothered me, the offhand way it was done. really messed up.


like, sorry, we don;t need you in the story anymore, though...


well anyway that'll spoil others.


unpleasant offhand moment and didn't like it.


an inconvenience conveniently disposed of.


Don't feel bad posting spoilers from up to where I am. Those who haven't read all the books are the minority, and I've made it clear don't read this if you don't want to hear what happens. Though you could use spoiler tags if you want.




I agree. I thought the Brotherless might help Perrin and Rolan would part ways peacefully, with a good-bye kiss from Faile, before running off into the fray.


And Perrin is rocking his relations with Tylee. Nicely done. Smooth battle, too. I hope they get to safety from the reinforcements as smoothly.


Morgase drank the forkroot tea... hope she's still alive and the strife in Andor calms down.


Galina deserves what she's getting, but I hope that's not the last of her or the Shaido and she can be used to root out Black Ajah.




Finally, discussing Wheel of Time. Loving it. :smile:


Don't feel bad posting spoilers from up to where I am. Those who haven't read all the books are the minority, and I've made it clear don't read this if you don't want to hear what happens. Though you could use spoiler tags if you want.




I agree. I thought the Brotherless might help Perrin and Rolan would part ways peacefully, with a good-bye kiss from Faile, before running off into the fray.


And Perrin is rocking his relations with Tylee. Nicely done. Smooth battle, too. I hope they get to safety from the reinforcements as smoothly.


Morgase drank the forkroot tea... hope she's still alive and the strife in Andor calms down.


Galina deserves what she's getting, but I hope that's not the last of her or the Shaido and she can be used to root out Black Ajah.




Finally, discussing Wheel of Time. Loving it. :smile:

Ya Rolan was delt with in a sudden matter but RJ gets a lot of grief with characters staying around too long for no purpose or being "unrealistic". This was nice and sudden, it gave you a one two punch with the Aram story and some tragedy to the obvious rescue. A fine example of what we don't want to happen but what should happen does. :happy:

Guest PiotrekS

What happened to the Brotherless was more gritty and realistic than typical for RJ. More in GRRM's style.


Generally good people, bad time, bad place, bad luck.



There is a nice scene providing some closure to that plotline in TGS or ToM, I don't remember exactly where.




imnot using spoiler tags. people who don't want spoilers have the responsibility for avoiding them on a fan site.


I won't usually post wot specific stuff except when someone asks and I feel like answering. but I do not remember what happened at any given page of the books so... can't promise I won't mention something from ahead of where you've read.


my advice would be if you fear spoilers, be careful what you ask.


a nice thing about the social groups in general is there is rarely book discussion so not a lot of spoiling, and when there is its obvious by the topic title. like this one I guess.


so... enjoy and don't be surprised or upset by spoilers in this thread cause you're kinda asking for them, ya?


Yeah, of course to what cindy said.


I agree that RJ is notorious for keeping characters around and just having a zillion of them. It sometimes bugs me too, so I can't complain when he kills a few of them. Pretty ironic twist there, but that's life.


you can complain about that.


handling a character death badly, and he did that more than once, doesn't make up for throwing in 2000 characters.


and not handling most of them at all.


it's like somein joke I don't get.


you can complain about that.


handling a character death badly, and he did that more than once, doesn't make up for throwing in 2000 characters.


and not handling most of them at all.


it's like somein joke I don't get.

Characters drive the plot with RJ's POV explanations of events and I think sometimes they are just fodder for the story line. Yet as people we attach to them and feel like we need to know the fate of all but I think we will get the top 10% at most. I'm ok with that. :cool:


they're fodder alright.


nobody gets attached to 2000 almost all meaningless characters.


there's a reason noone writes that way.


it has to do with the limits of human attachment.


i don;t care about the fate of any of them.


i did care about how the story and the first say, 40 or 50 "major" plot points would turn out, but i had to stop caring when it became obvious the author had stopped caring.


the kinds of stuff that started to happen in the second half of the series should have been left for sequels, after the original story was told.


but it's just a neverending story now. and always will be.

Guest PiotrekS

My impression was that the number of characters got really off limits around books 9-10. Introducing those numerous Sea Folk and new Aes Sedai ceased to serve any function in the plot and I had the impression the author himself got lost. He would foreshadow some developments, and later forget about it altogether.


There are a TON of characters. All these Sea Folk people and Kin people and these first person point of views with all the armies and such. What about that Wolf dude (some respected military officer called that, not actually a golden-eyed person) who started attacking all those Seanchan camps? Nothing has fruited from that yet.


There are a LOT of characters. I love the intricacy of it at times but it does start to wear on me.


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