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King of the Hill


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AH has had the hill long enough.


Channels a waterfall to give her a fun ride off the hill.


My hill. Water park party!


Basks in water attractions recently channeled into existence.

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MY HILL!!!!!!!!!!!


*uses weaves of fire to make the water go away, uses a weave of air to pick Fex off the hill*


My hill *sits happily on top of it*


*Uses a weave of earth to lower AH's part of the hill so it is like a little bowel*

*Climbs up to the lip of the bowl*

There. Now I am on the tallest part of the hill.


*snaps picture of yet another totem pole. Watched Nya, and Ayla tumble down the hill* Heart, you are having a zen moment?


*sits down on the lip of the bowl. Orders Heart to push Len down the hill* This Hill is claimed by the Shadow!!!


*floats over Lenlo in a parachute and channels his crown off him to place it on her own head*

Shadowy princess of teh Hill! Nahaahahaahhaaaaaa! :raspberry:

I just saw this.


I THE SHADOW PRINCESS!!!!!! *Tackles Nyan* (I even has the crown to prove it. The M'Heal gave it to me :P


*Weaves earth to make a slide down to the bottom of the hill in Perfs pool*

There, now I just need a little of this.

*Makes the water start going the the slide, taking Perf with it.


There. Tis my hill again.

*Grabs popcorn and watch's Heart and Nya wrestle*









Are you going to be our new Shadow princess? There might be some points waiting for you in the Shadow. :myrddraal:


Sowwy, I thought that was just some temporary title every new shadowy gets...SOWWY. I surrender teh crown and any associations to this title, Oh Sparkly Shadow Princess Heart! :tongue:


Well I never did say sparkling. That is exclusively teh one and only Heart :biggrin:


*climbs hill and fires Lenlo off on a catapult while he is engrossed in studying a particularly strange-shaped popcorn*


*dances* MYYYYY HIIIILL! :raspberry:


*Is upset at being fired from a catapult, but decides this is the perfect chance*

Up, up and AWAY!!!!

*Soars through the air as if he had planned everything this way in a super man pose*

I shall retuuuuuuurrnnnnnnnn...

*Flies into the sunset*


*weaves Illusion to show Heart a giant mug of hot chocolate with marshmallow just out of her reach. Watches as she wanders of to chasing it but not quite catching it until she is down the hill*


My hill.


*Begins his loooong trek back to the hill*

I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more...

*Starts singing.*


Why was it mean. I let you catch it once you got to the bottom of the hill.


*weaves a cooling, drying breeze and then starts back up the hill with a real large mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows*


No hard feelings. You can have this here giant mug and all it's contents if you just withdraw from my hill. :smile:


*Finally arrives at the hill to see Turin walking up the hill with a mug of Cocoa.*

No Heart dont! Its a TRAP!

*Starts sprinting up the hill to try and catch Turin*


*waits until Len almost catches up and then channels air to trip Len. Turin then turns his head and then watches him roll back down the hill*


You can see it is real, you can smell it is real now. You can feel the warmth on the cup. Go ahead I wouldn't trick you. (again) Look, the marshmallows are all soft and mushy. Go ahead you know you wanna.


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