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hello im new here


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i have read all the books (of course) and i love the story, characters and the locations, i have been a lurker for two years here and in the various theory related pages.


I have read some other fantasy but i am a slow reader who tends to take some time reading and also some time to get into new books, so i have not read half or a 5th of what i understand from reading posts of the reading habit and reading pace.


I also have several theories of my own and speculations regarding WoT, or thoughts regarding characters.


I think it is too little discussed the significance of Padan Fain who is one of the oldest (tine-line wise not age) characters in the series and one of the earliest revealed, as early as Thom Merrilin they came to Emonds Field abruptly on the same day, so he i think is more important caricature then one might think in the heat of all that is gonna happen.

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oki first some question,


how do I edit personal information cause i'm not 2011 years old, that would make me as old as Jesus and i'm not "that" old,


also im not very good at disliking carachters, soem irks me more then others, but i tend to try to see myself in thier positoin which makes me gain some respect for them even Egwene, im not a Egwene basher though i think she is brave and i i like that she is stubborn why should all the good characters be nice to everyone, she is the Amerlyn not a tavern innkeeper.


also my favourite forsaken is Aginor cause while he is a bit clumsy and abrasive he is also funny enough dispite his shortcomings impressivly strong in the one power, you can count on one hand those who best him in strength

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Welcome! Im sure were all glad to have you here and hope you find some niche for you in the various groups and activities! Theres the ACW guild and there is the different SG. The Group im in is the PSW. Which is were people come together and RP. (Role Play) different stories based in the world of rand land. Its very fun if enough people can be found. Were always looking for new members. If your interested feel free to pm me or ask any questions. biggrin.gif

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