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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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What else was she going to do? Seems like more distancing to me. Yes she could have gone random vote but I want to say the Rhea train had more support at that moment (I'm probably wrong because votes where going everywhere and I'm feeling rather mafia drained so I'm too lazy to look right now :P ). *Shrug* maybe Rhea's someone they don't want to die but are willing to let die to save the rest of them. I'm not sure. Rhea seems like the best bet for catching scum and getting info to me right now

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I think you and Nyn have had good grasps on this game, but neither of you have addressed this fairly important point


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA he thinks I have a good grasp on the game.


Maybe I would normally but right now I need to do one of those massive rereads to remember anything clearly. Have had a VERY full week :P was seriously considering asking for a replacement but it's just not in me to quit any mafia game, especially not one of my Bonded's :P

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Vote Count


Rhea (5): BG, Turin, Kae, Nyn, Heart

Player (3): CTM, Tina, Ape


Not voting: Smiley, Des, Rhea, Paet, Locke, Player, Talya, wombat, Solimind, Verbal


With 18 alive it takes 10 to lynch. Deadline Saturday 9 AM EST

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She was as vote 7... and voted right after BG... about 1 hr 40 minutes before deadline... Had she simply not posted at all, it would've gone a long way towards ensuring a no lynch (which she was already voting) or random...


Final Day 1 Vote Count


Rhea (11): Song, CTM, wombat, Ape, Verbal, BG, meesh, Solimind, Player, Locke, Turin

No Lynch (5): Des, Talya, Nyn, Kae, Rhea

Solimind (2): Smiley, <3

Talya (1): Tina

Turin (1): Paet


With 21 alive it takes 12 to lynch.


Not voting: Ithi


Scene coming shortly.






vote Rhea

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA he thinks I have a good grasp on the game.


Maybe I would normally but right now I need to do one of those massive rereads to remember anything clearly. Have had a VERY full week :P was seriously considering asking for a replacement but it's just not in me to quit any mafia game, especially not one of my Bonded's :P



What is this bonded stuff?

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It's geeky DM stuffs and she's mine. :P


*waits to get hit*

*Hugs Leelou* I'm her Warder, which means we're really close and I protect her--especially when she's being too stubborn/silly/blind to protect herself :D


Lava you Leelou.....


*braces for impact*

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CTM, if you'll give me more than 7 mins to answer what you asked I could prolly address it *laughs*


And thanks. It is a nice pic. :P



Well from what I see, Meesh cast her vote like an hour and 45 minutes before the deadline with Rhea having only half of the needed votes for a lynch. And also after Talya and I went to bed making it even less people around who could help reach a lynch. She could have easily figured it wouldn't get to a lynch anyhow and wanted to appear anti Rhea. Though posting 'Bah!' and then voting her isn't that convincing at that LOL


My point is, Meesh is a smart player. Could she have stayed in the background and not vote at all? Maybe. There are scum that fade into the background and not do a thing, while others take a more 'in your face' attitude. Additionally, I know that at least I chat to Meesh on MSN. Seeing her online there and not participating in a last minute vote would have made me (or anyone else she chats to) suspicious.


All in all I'm doing a lot of guess work right now. Theorizing why she did what she did. But ultimately I can't really give you any solid reason. I just don't feel this is enough to counter Rhea's behavior. That's the point I was trying to get across and why my vote is on her still.





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CTM, if you'll give me more than 7 mins to answer what you asked I could prolly address it *laughs*


And thanks. It is a nice pic. :P



Well from what I see, Meesh cast her vote like an hour and 45 minutes before the deadline with Rhea having only half of the needed votes for a lynch. And also after Talya and I went to bed making it even less people around who could help reach a lynch. She could have easily figured it wouldn't get to a lynch anyhow and wanted to appear anti Rhea. Though posting 'Bah!' and then voting her isn't that convincing at that LOL


My point is, Meesh is a smart player. Could she have stayed in the background and not vote at all? Maybe. There are scum that fade into the background and not do a thing, while others take a more 'in your face' attitude. Additionally, I know that at least I chat to Meesh on MSN. Seeing her online there and not participating in a last minute vote would have made me (or anyone else she chats to) suspicious.

All in all I'm doing a lot of guess work right now. Theorizing why she did what she did. But ultimately I can't really give you any solid reason. I just don't feel this is enough to counter Rhea's behavior. That's the point I was trying to get across and why my vote is on her still.






I'm doing the same, I'm thinking it's more likely they were going for a last minute townie kill but you bring up good points about the MSN thing (which I didn't know) and the fact that you and tayla were off to bed, which I forgot..


I dunno though, she had 12 posts up till then, not exactly playing out in front... we'll see I guess, I'll hop over to rhea if more people vote her but am going to continue to try and push for player, who I think is a better bet at this point

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I'm game on a vote on player as well. If the rest want to put Rhea on a small fire for tomorrow and start with player then it's fine by me. I don't trust either of them. Rhea simply tripped around her reveal more than Player.





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A bit late, but...




Also, just because I've wanted to quote this ever since I got my role PM...


Westley: "Give us the gate key."


Yellin (me): "I have no gate key."


Inigo: "Fezzik, tear his arms off."


Yellin (me): "Oh, you mean this gate key."




Oh, and I can edit now...



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I honestly didnt think it would make a difference. Town is town. And im trying to do this from work. It isnt like i have a lot of time.


Considering all the fuss over the wording I said, which made Nyn believe I was telling the truth, it was important, and you seemed very defensive of it all. Though, if you are mafia, you would have more than likely have said the Florin townsfolk bit...to look more innocent, unless you had rushed in a bit quick and not thought...Someone also as


As for Meesh on Rhea's vote, there is another way of looking at it, we were close to lynch time and I think that by the time she voted on Rhea, the unvote had already lost a bit. Instead of just voting for her she puts in some suspicion, so trying to make out that she actually thinks she is Mafia, so when Rhea did show mafia it would make her look more innocent. She would more likely look more like mafia (or accused of it) by not voting or not consolidating it on a person that wasn't too far off a lynch.


Out of Rhea and Player, I prefer a Player Lynch. his reveal, was uncalled for and there was no reason for it...jumping on a bandwagon (as in the town reveal) to make him look innocent!


Aaand, this makes make me even more worried about you.


Pointing out that Song was NK'd and you were the only person that suspected Song is blatant WIFOM. Feels like nobody picked up on it so you wanted to make sure it got brought to everyone's attention.


Then using the ol' noob mafia team arguement is just insulting in general. Nearly everyone in this game is plenty experienced (Solimind is new I know, and I'm not sure about Smiley and Paet, though I seem to remember them playing before) to not be classified as a noob.


Also, middle train vote of Meesh is too ambiguous to learn much from unfortunately.


so you are insulted BG...as you aren't a noob... Freudian slip maybe? ;)


i'm happy with either a player or Song lynch, we might be able to get more information on a Rhea lynch. If she is town, we can take a good look at that list yesterday, maybe start looking elsehwere as well if she is mafia (some may not have been around to jump on her lynch to try and make themselves look innocent). Player, doesn't give us too much, apart from if he is telling the truth or not, though a little for those, not wanting to vote for him today!


So, as I need to get off her, so my daughter can do her homework, and I'm getting evil looks for hogging the comp too long



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Go town.

Go town, Go Light!



A bit late, but...




Also, just because I've wanted to quote this ever since I got my role PM...


Westley: "Give us the gate key."


Yellin (me): "I have no gate key."


Inigo: "Fezzik, tear his arms off."


Yellin (me): "Oh, you mean this gate key."




Oh, and I can edit now...




editing just to peev of the mod goddess, well you can't kill a dead person...

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CTM! lol *smacks*








on the ... cheeks?


lol What cheeks? ;)









and why did you all post whilst I was trying to do mine...sheesh!


Plus song and Tina wouldn't have been around before the end of the lynch, due to time zones!

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Vote Count


Rhea (6): BG, Turin, Kae, Nyn, Heart, Talya

Player (3): CTM, Tina, Ape


Not voting: Smiley, Des, Rhea, Paet, Locke, Player, wombat, Solimind, Verbal


With 18 alive it takes 10 to lynch. Deadline Saturday 9 AM EST



**Tortures Meesh's dead soul** :baalzamon:

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BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO inactive players... Were they kidnapped too? Where did they go?


I just didn't want anyone to forget Despo declined to make the hammer vote and allowed yesterday's random result. He definitely needs some more looking into in the future. We would have had the result of a Rhea vote yesterday if he had stepped up.

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