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Role of Aiels in the world after Tarmon gaidon


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Ok people wake up time We have all along discussed what will be the fate of Aiel. Lot of production have been made of the fact that remnants of remnant will be saved. what everyone tends to forget is the fact that Aiel and their ancient covenant. In my humble opinion avi's children are going to restart the covenant. Remember they are also called children of the dragon. So when AOL returns everyone would have forgotten that why they are called children of the dragon. Also remember that foretelling was made by Aes sedai who very much knew about the covenant and by saving remnant they could not possibly have meant these violent people who did not remember the covenant. What I do not understand is the fact that are we going to see the start of it in this book or is it going to be left for some later sequels.


Ehm the Foretelling of the Aes Sedai absolutely meant the violent people who don't remember the covenant.

The Aiel won't return to the Covenant anytime soon. There are a couple of Ages until they'll serve the Aes Sedai again, what they'll do until then is up to them. But let's face it the Aiel are a fanatical people, they take everything to the extreme it was that way with the Way of the Leaf in the AOL and now they it's the same with ji'e'toh and becoming the deadliest thing under the sun for TG. Without some driving mission which keeps them busy for a couple of thousand years they will soon disappear, that much is pretty clear from Aviendha's visions.


The question is what that mission will be. I favour them taking up the role of restoring the land after TG. There will be lots of devastation afterwards and I don't think everything touched by the DO will miraculously restore itself. Back in the AOL the Aiel sang at the side of the Ogier to raise crops. It may be a bit too much Dune for them to make the desert green again, but perhaps that too will happen over time, if TG just happens to destroy one of the mountain ranges which keeps it from getting enough rain. I'd say that would be a suitable step in the right direction.

Martial Society -> Environuts -> Pacifist -> ???? -> Profit


To me, the "remnant of a remnant" means that a very small portion of the Aiel will return to the Way of the Leaf/Jenn Aiel way of life. The balance of the Aiel will meld into the rest of society. There have been various comments about the Aiel becoming "soft" and taking on wetlanders ways.


this is the problem with you people you do not read what I am Saying carefully. Aiel are going to be the children of the dragon literally they are going to have bloodlines running back to Rand bloody Al Thor and Avi


i always believed the "remnant of remnant" would be the gaishin. after reading avi trip to the future, rands bloodline dies out. also the way one of the aiel desendants says the word gaishin at the last war meeting strengthens my belief.

  On 12/29/2011 at 11:41 PM, muddasssir said:

What I do not understand is the fact that are we going to see the start of it in this book or is it going to be left for some later sequels.


There are no later sequels aside from a very long outside shot at Mat and Tuon in retaking Seanchan. Highly unlikely that is ever made however. As for the Aiel I too believe a few more ages need to turn before they return to the Way of the Leaf.

  On 1/5/2012 at 9:21 AM, mj1475 said:

i always believed the "remnant of remnant" would be the gaishin. after reading avi trip to the future, rands bloodline dies out. also the way one of the aiel desendants says the word gaishin at the last war meeting strengthens my belief.



Avi's "trip" also had her 4 children by Rand, now young adults, two young men and two young women who were called "children of the dragon" so their bloodline was known.

  On 12/30/2011 at 7:01 AM, b3arz3rg3r said:


The Aiel won't return to the Covenant anytime soon. There are a couple of Ages until they'll serve the Aes Sedai again, what they'll do until then is up to them.


This. Oh so very much this.


Our guys winning the Last Battle does not mean the world will immidiatly start turning into AoL pt.2. The world is headed towards the 4th Age. A new Age, where people can start moving on. Where the 3rd Age has been mostly about dealing with the aftermath from the AoL, the 4th Age offers the possibility of moving towars something new.

And what would be the point of having the Aiel "returning" to some covenant that does not mean a thing to them? The Covenant was made in the AoL, so having the Aiel "return" to it only means they would have to break it again somewhere down the line. Unless they get completely wiped out so there is noone left to keep it. But both of these options seem rather to put in a story that will end loooooong before any of them will happen. It would simply be really bad storytelling to have them "return".


Does anyone else see a foreshadowing of The Covenant in the relationship that Egwene is forging between the Aiel, and the Tower? Think what will happen when the Aiel who've already foresworn violence learn of this. Might they not start considering that seving the Aes Sedai as dedicated servants might be a great way to meet their toh? Not to mention the fact that they might start considering seeking roles as Warders since that does seem very similar to the role they played in the AOL, (absent the violence, of course). Remember, one of Rand's ancestors was going to ask that his bond be passed to another Aes Sedai so that he could accept a marriage proposal. That seems very similar to the arrangement which currently exists between the Aes Sedai and their Warders. This latter arrangement is strongly hinted at by the fact that in the AOL there were no Warders, nor any memory of them. Since everything is cyclic in the WOT, it always bothered me that some things seem brand new (Warders, the current topography, etc). It just doesn't make sense unless there's going to be a second breaking sometime in the future and the warder bond was transfigured over time to become the relationship that existed between the D'shain( sp) Aiel and the Aes Sedai during the AOl.


Just wondering if that is where all this is headed.




Egwene has ambitious plans, but her vision of every channeller closely tied to the Tower is far from certain. For example Mat already played monkey with it when he charged those two former sul'dam to the Tower to find a future for the empire where still served the empire but needn't be leashed. Since we know that there were outriggers on Mat and Tuon planned we can assume that those two will eventually succeed.


Same for the Wise Ones. Now that Aviendha has discovered the alternate use of the glass columns in Rhuidean, I'd say it's rather likely that from now on Wise Ones and Clanchiefs will take a look at the future as well and then set out to change it so it's best for the Aiel. If one of the Wise Ones sees the goal of Egwene's plans with the Wise Ones part of the Tower and no longer independant and doesn't like it she might work against it and prevent it from ever coming true.


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