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AMoL first draft is officially complete


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I'm going to offend some people, and I'm sure this is because o have never played FF, but I thought music was lame. Hopefully, this doesn't start a fire storm and it is just my opinion. I have no emotional attachment to the game so I have no attachment to that music so I can say objectively that it is one blah piece of music.


Yeah it's more effective if you've invested 80-100 hours in that game and then go through the ending.


Yeah that game was epic and had an awesome soundtrack. Mind you I think I invested closer to 300+ hours as I played through a couple of times, then left it for a few years and then came back to it, am looking forward to the HD port to PS3.


Anyways back on topic, a massive congrats and thank you to BS for taking on the gargantuan task of finishing this series. I may have invested 300+ hours in FFX but that doesn't hold a candle to the time I have invested in WoT since I began reading it back in 1995. I am over 20 re-reads now and the final read through will be a bitter sweet affair knowing that the story will finally end and that there will be no further books in set in Randland at this stage.


Again a big thanks to BS for his dedication to this series.


Coming from a person who has been playing the Final Fantasy games for many years back to the original one on the good old NES system, I was really intrigued by the song choice considering the mood of the composition and the fact that the ending is in sight for the series. I hope that the song and its placement is not indicative as to what we might expect from the ending.


On a side note, imagine if he was listening to "One Winged Angel" as the theme when he was writing the last of it. All of our gears would really be turning then because lord knows what would be going on lol.


Another side note; I always wondered what Square-Enix would be able to do with the Wheel of Time in a video game format. They are, in my humble opinion, the absolute elite when it comes to role playing games and define that genre better than any other company in the world.


Even though I feel slightly emotional at this ending, I feel odd seeing as I only started reading these 1 year ago. I honestly couldn't imagine how people who have been reading it for 20 years have felt.


Can't speak for anybody but myself, but as somebody who has been waiting for over 20 years for Jordan to finally make his point, I feel thankful that, at last, the end is nigh. Angry that it took WAY toodamnlong, and sad that Sanderson or anybody else had to step in and clean up the incredible mess such a promising series had become.


Even though I feel slightly emotional at this ending, I feel odd seeing as I only started reading these 1 year ago. I honestly couldn't imagine how people who have been reading it for 20 years have felt.


Can't speak for anybody but myself, but as somebody who has been waiting for over 20 years for Jordan to finally make his point, I feel thankful that, at last, the end is nigh. Angry that it took WAY toodamnlong, and sad that Sanderson or anybody else had to step in and clean up the incredible mess such a promising series had become.



You're obviously welcome to your opinion but I never saw any mess to clean up. Just a very intricate, extremely large complex series, that flows really well on re-reads when you are reading the series more so than the books.


What I mean by that is somewhere after the 4th or 5th book RJ started concentrating more on the flow an plot of the series than each individual book. That is why some books seamed like certain characters went no where, but on a re-read it flows really well.


I can remember getting to the end of one of the books on my first read and was disappointed that it just ended with no real climax to the book. I can't remember which one it is because now when I read them I just finish one and pick up the next and everything is smooth.


That is one thing BS has done better with tGS and ToM. They are both very good books in their own right, with the tickle ebbs, flows, conflict resolution, and summits for each (even if ToM was a bit of a cliff hanger).


At some point RJ just gave up on writing individual books and started writing the series.


Thank you Sanderson and all the RJ team. We now wait till the fall, but at least the info is down and it is only fine tuning and sharpening from here.


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