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Hello I am Angelea. I am right now halfway through The Fires of Heaven on my third reading of the series. It's just as good as the first time, although I find myself looking at the characters in a totally different way. However, I am filled with dread and anxiety thinking about the capture of Rand by the Reds. It was so traumatic the first time! I have been wanting to join Dragonmount for a couple of years, and now that my youngest girl is almost fifteen, I have a bit more time. Hello to all and I hope we can have many interesting discussions. No one I know has read the series, and it's hard to convince them that it is a pleasure not a task. Please let me know if I am doing this right!!


Definitely doing it right :D It's so hard to find other WoTers in real life. That's why we're here!!!


I ended up really liking Galad during my reread. Starting another one as soon as my finals are over :D


Welcome to dm!!!


Which parts and characters are your favorites?


And what are you looking for here on dm? We have theory character discussions, social groups and role playing forums.


If you have any questions just ask :D


Definitely doing it right :D It's so hard to find other WoTers in real life. That's why we're here!!!


I ended up really liking Galad during my reread. Starting another one as soon as my finals are over :D


Welcome to dm!!!


Which parts and characters are your favorites?


And what are you looking for here on dm? We have theory character discussions, social groups and role playing forums.


If you have any questions just ask :D


Hello Angelea and welcome to DM!!


Do you have a least-fave WoT character? If so, who? Who's your fave Forsaken?


Feel free to ask if you've got any questions!! I hope you will like it here!! :)


I just love talking about books. I am a huge F&SF fan, and I especially love the big epics. I've read Tad Williams' Otherland and Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series and I'm working on Shadowmarch; the Game of Thrones series, and part of Brandons Mistborn. Plus thousands of others!! Since I am biggest book nerd I know, I find it hard to find others who want to gossip about the books and characters, etc.


My favorite character is Mat. He becomes more complex I every time I read the series, and I have a huge crush on him. My favorite part? I don't think I have one. Jordan is able to create such a beautiful and detailed world that I am able to immerse myself in it totally.


Since I am just a baby here, it will probably take me some time to get to know all the stuff going on. I would appreciate any tips!!


Thanks Aiel Heart!!


Well the sgs are a great place to meet people and have fun, but if you're more into theory then the discussion boards are good


I think AH meant "Social Groups" :biggrin: - we have quite a few, like the White Tower & Warders, the Black Tower, Shayol Ghul, etc. Some are more closely based on their namesakes in the books than others, but it means that there's a place for almost everyone here on DM.


and do check out the rp section as well, there are actually two of them, one is more structured and the other is more freewriting


and of course there is all the good stories there just waiting too be read, which is how i ended up stuck here, waiting for the next book, finding more wot stories, and that was my doom lol


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