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Greetings and salutations from an old face!


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Hey everyone. I wanted to say hello. I was a fairly active member here at Dragonmount a number of years ago, and I just found my way back to the path!


I'm looking forward to meeting some new people, and maybe even reconnecting with some of the old faces, if any are still around. Regardless, I'm excited to be back and ready to rock and roll!



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Welcome back to dm!!!!


Which groups and such were you a part of before?


How many years is "a number?" :P


Which parts and characters are your favorites?


DM's probably changed a ton since your time, so if you have any questions just ask :)

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I played with the Black Tower as Jon Masaara, The Warders as Tareen Grahan, and the Freelanders as Junieve. I also played Lews Therin in the Age of Legends PSW back then.


I think I've been away a total of 7 or 8 years altogether, during which time I am sure that there have been a great many changes to the site. As long as people still interact together through roleplay and social community, I think I can still remember the steps ;)


I had a great time with all of my characters, but I really enjoyed writing as Lews Therin, and Junieve.


Thank you for the warm welcome, Aiel Heart!

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I played with the Black Tower as Jon Masaara, The Warders as Tareen Grahan, and the Freelanders as Junieve. I also played Lews Therin in the Age of Legends PSW back then.


I think I've been away a total of 7 or 8 years altogether, during which time I am sure that there have been a great many changes to the site. As long as people still interact together through roleplay and social community, I think I can still remember the steps ;)


I had a great time with all of my characters, but I really enjoyed writing as Lews Therin, and Junieve.


Thank you for the warm welcome, Aiel Heart!

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Welcome back, Johnnie!!


Who is your least-favourite WoT character? Who is your favourite Forsaken?


Feel free to ask if you've got any questions!


I hope you will (still) like it here!! :)


Least favorite character has to be Galad. Goody two shoes, sees the world in black and white, not my thing. Moridin is my favorite Forsaken, but Ishamael was my least favorite. I like the differences in his second coming.


Thanks Ledinna!

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Wow ... that's a long hiatus! Welcome back, though - it's always good to see people return :biggrin:


The Freelanders are enjoying quite a revival at the moment - you should drop by there and check it out. If you have any questions, give us a shout.

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woot...always love too see oldies come back, i must say you probably quit before i began, but its always interesting geting too hear tidbits from back in the day, and i may know someone who knew you...Quibby, his main activety been in the band of the red hand


would love too hear more though, and i do hope you are looking too come back too the rp, feel free too pm if you got questions in general or specifically about the dark side of course, or just want too chat, like said would love too hear from back in the time you were active its always interesting and something too be learned from hearing about what went on before the time oneself joined



leading the shadow side in the rp

been around about 6 years

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