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So... what's been going on?


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Well that Eyes and Ears RP is ongoing, but the murderous FL bum is holding it up (i'm currently poking him). You could jump back into that rp and catch up if you'd like?


Or we could start a new one. I was staying away from new rps this month because I was attempting nano, but i'm fail at nano so new rps are welcome once again!

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Our Eyes and Ears were turning up dead so you (Cami) gathered a group of yellows to go out on a mission and investigate. The blues got involved when mimi and rayray (I think you're blue) found out so they are headed out too. Cami hid her appearance and left a few days after the yellows with the Blues.


So the yellows have made it to Caemyln are staying at Skechid's manor. We spent a few days there each splitting up doing our own thing trying to find out any info we could. Carys got bonded to Ellsar (or whatever his name is...sorry I'm terrible with spelling and names if you didn't catch that yet). The blues arrived and after a number of days Seheria gathered people into groups and sent them out strategically looking for the murderer..figuring working in pairs would give help if they found him and also encourage discussion of what we've all learned on our own..not to mention that she has set the killer up to be found and wanted someone with her to make sure it looked spontaneous and not just convenient that they found him <.<


So Carys (and warder) and Seheria set out combing their part of the city, found him about to kill a lady in a shop, caught him and Seheria has him tied up in air interrogating him (and kinda scaring the Aes Sedai and warder cause she's kinda rough..).


So you could jump in with the blues making it to the manor and have us RP out meeting up before we break up and comb the city, or you could jump in while were interrogating..having sensed the power come running (we did say that others would be on their way and that we just got there).

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Mimi already left the city, just fyi. I can link you to it if you want. The killer was found, there were more than enough AS (so she thought *g*) to handle it, so she left town to chase another DF. I briefly mentioned Rayray having stayed in Cairhein, so up to you what you want her to do! :)

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