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A new breaking?


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Do you guys think Rand will break the world again? Now this could mean a number of things. People could say he already has with what he has done through the series but what I mean is, will he do anything similar to what Lews Therin did? Yes, he is not affected by the taint anymore but there is the issue of his link with Moridin and everything else that's going on with the LB. What will the outcome be? Discuss


To me, it is one of the possible endings. Yes, Rand could repeat the exact steps of LT when re-sealing the bore. It is the Wheel of Time after all, and everything tends to repeat. We could be at the point on the wheel that a great cataclysm "needs" to occur to keep the wheel spinning. Depending how it is presented, I could handle that ending.


He has already broken the world. He has shattered all bonds that bind and what not. Do I think he will reshape the continents and all the rest that happened last breaking? No not really. That was the end of the 2nd age (AOL) and we are approaching (or have already seen) the end of the 3rd.


I could see the final chapter progressing over many many years, starting with the rise and fall of the nations after Rand, then the great inventions created with the power (Stasis Boxes, Glowsticks, etc) and at one point him talking about a young man being born named LTT or some such. I could also see the last chapter being almost the same as the very first chapter except Ish looks like Rand or some other crazy twist. But I don't see Rand blowing everything up because then what would happen to all his lovely ladies who have countries and people to run. I don't see any end game for Min so hopefully she will die :)


I think it will play out similar to the viewing by Avienda but he will fix it for the Aiel and maybe channelers, or he will remove channeling entirely. But the entire world will be in a massive war and the Seanchan taking over may happen.


I think we've already seen most of Rands breaking to be honest. I never did think this time would be the same kind of Breaking as Lews Therins. Food rotting and people being consumed by insects from the inside, ancient customs and traditions being transformed or simply destroyed, yada yada. Thats what I imagine Rands breaking to be. The next bit is to free men from the Shadow.


Not according to the cycle. This time he gets it right and seals it correctly so another Age of Legends can eventually come around again and another poor sap can sense the thinness of the great unknown power source to drill through and tap the Dark One again so history can repeat itself. The Wolf Brothers, pattern readers, and inherit power users won't have to embrace the source. Portal stones will come again, dreamwalkers, and then the next age, then the AOL, or thereabouts, I can't recall how many ages there are in the wheel.


The world was broken by mad men ripping it apart, wars lasting years and years, the population of the world shrunk a whole lot and nations were consumed by time and war and mad power and things like the CK in the wrong hands. So no, there won't be any terraforming. By the by LTT didn't contribute an awful lot to the breaking, as I understand it most of the actual breaking occurred in the few hundred years following the 2nd age last battle, ie, the first few hundred years of the third age and not actually the second age at all.


The world was broken by mad men ripping it apart, wars lasting years and years, the population of the world shrunk a whole lot and nations were consumed by time and war and mad power and things like the CK in the wrong hands. So no, there won't be any terraforming. By the by LTT didn't contribute an awful lot to the breaking, as I understand it most of the actual breaking occurred in the few hundred years following the 2nd age last battle, ie, the first few hundred years of the third age and not actually the second age at all.


The Second Age officialy ended when the last male channeller died, not when LTT died. It's why they use AB (After Breaking), up until the end of the Trolloc wars, after which they use FY (Free Years), up until the end of the War of the Hundred Years (the end of Hawkwing's empire), following which is adopted the NE (New Era).


I think he has already broken the world in the sense he's broken all bonds and restuctured laws ect. Also in creating schools he has usherd in a new age. I think that the wheel is at a critical moment and a misstep could destroy the age lace. I think that in order to safeguard humanity it will one off two ways. He will eather get the support he needs and time and figure out what kinslayer couldn't or if the war is about to be lost he will do the same as lews therin to give humanity a chance in another age. That's what lews therin and the hundred companions did. It was a desperate play and they only did it because they were lossing and the original plan went to hell because the sa'angreal tgey were gonna use to trap the shadow couldn't be used because the access keys fell behind enemy lines when sammaels armys advanced and lews therin realized they could loss inside a few months


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