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some girls give ya money, some girls heart attacks, some girls steal your muse and they don't ever wanna give it back.



I feel like I should know where that's from, but I'm drawing a blank



He's just too cool for SG. I don't blame him for thinking that, really.


Too busy, I'd understand, but too cool? You realize I said TMD and not Roka, right?

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e, do you feel somehow inferior to this roka person? cause i noticed before you compared him to the founder of LOLcats, and i gotta say.... like comaring a nice and humerous person with a most wonderful, blessed, glorious personage, an angel on earth, really, who will skip at least 5 transmigrations of ascension because of the laughter and love he has given thr world via his heart warming captions of adorable companion animal pictures. all hail the cheez.

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I would never dare give Roka a compliment. It would lead to an atrocious outcome.


Care to enlighten us?



*some girls by the rolling stones cough* (i changed it up to fit the situation, so it may have thrown off your googleometer)


Ah, I didn't even check my googlometer, but that makes sense now!

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e, do you feel somehow inferior to this roka person? cause i noticed before you compared him to the founder of LOLcats, and i gotta say.... like comaring a nice and humerous person with a most wonderful, blessed, glorious personage, an angel on earth, really, who will skip at least 5 teransmigrations of ascension because of the laughter and love he has given thr world via his heart warming captions of adorable companion animal pictures. all hail the cheez.




No no no, it's not that I feel inferior to Roka, it's that Roka acts superior. Back when I was a wee underling I'd constantly nip at the heels of his high horse trying to see if I could knock him down. I like to massage his ego and then pull the rug out from under him just to see what kind of reaction I get. I actually like the guy, but I like busting his chops more, lol.


Nyn and Roka had a... unique relationship, that's why I'm prodding her about him, lol.

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Care to enlighten us?


Yeah... I don't think that's possible.




Back when I was a wee underling...


lol... Oh, you're being serious. Interesting.



Nyn and Roka had a... unique relationship.


We still do. The magic is still there.







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Yeah... I don't think that's possible.


Ha ha, how cute...




lol... Oh, you're being serious. Interesting.


Yeah, I know I don't do it often, sorry if it threw you off your guard



We still do. The magic is still there.


I used the wrong tense, my bad

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*walks up close and whispers*





Love me, Des!!!!




Actually, bring me Verbal's.....chicken.


*Loves Ed*


Alright, that was extremely awkward and I have a strong desire to shower for a few hours and get a penicillin shot. Wait, I DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT?!?!




*revives, shakes head and spits a few times, scratches crotch, then proceeds to trek to Angelina's house*


Ok, here's the chicken you wanted. You do NOT want to know where I found it, let's just say the gerbils might be missing their mommy soon...


Do a backflip without removing your feet from the ground.


That's easy enough


*stands on equator, faces west, waits 24 hours*


alright, done. Next!


change the litter box :myrddraal:


Ugh now here's a task slightly more difficult.


*dons Air Force issued gas mask, gently lifts Cindy and sets her down on nice fluffy pillow*


Okay, when was the last time this was done?!


*gags, then glances at Cindy looking dangerously at me*


Actually, it's really not that bad at all. You been snacking on potpourri lately, Cindy?


*finishes changing litter box*


You want spring breeze, or new car smell?


And where would the best place to look for this said Verbal be, your awesomeness?


Yeah, stop referring to Ed as "your awesomeness" and you'll probably get points a lot more easily...


Ed, here on out you shall only be known to me as "bilious ravaging stomach worm from a seedy Mexican restaurant's bathroom toilet no one wants to flush*


Bring me Ed's head, complete with the graphic (not too graphic - keep it PG 13) story of how you acquired said head.


*meanders back over to bed where foul deed was committed 5 tasks ago, sees Ed still sprawled out in drunken bliss*


Ugh, I can't believe how low I have sunk already here at SG...




Well, here goes nothing.


Despothera removes the surgical saw he carries around with him regularly, considers using anesthesia for Ed, then shakes his head when he sees Ed is still on cloud 9 following their little...rendezvous. He sets to with it, ignoring the splattering of drops of what he thinks is blood but may very well be sirachi sauce, stopping every few minutes to rest his arms. The bone and sinew finally give way though, and before finishing the task, he considers instead making Ed a giant PEZ dispenser to please the rest of the dark and mysterious masters which have assigned tasks for him. Shaking his head, he realizes he better finish it so he can more closely follow the orders he received from that sultry vixen who gave him this task. He finishes the last few strokes, then lifts Ed's head up, careful not to let it's contents (mostly hot air and a tiny monkey which keeps clapping two cymbals together for no apparent reason) spill out onto the floor.


His eyebrow furrow together in a moment of consternation, then he glances over at Verbal's chicken lying on the ground in front of the bed, and suddenly a wide, evil grin blossoms on his face. Setting the head down gently, he picks his surgical saw back up, and picks up the chicken. After a quick bit of work with the saw and then some needle and thread, Despothera stands back and admires his work. He feels his masters will be pleased. He then retrieves the chicken which now has Ed's head attached to it, and leaves Ed's body with the chicken head attached in a hilarious breakdancing pose.


Will this do, Lily?


The first think you can do is get in my cookpot. :narg:


alright, no problem!


*hops in cookpot*


mmmmmm this should be the perfect thing to finish removing the taint from me that I got from my first task with Ed, I mean the bilious ravaging stomach worm from a seedy Mexican restaurant's bathroom toilet no one wants to flush. I hope nobody is planning on eating this now...


*looks over at Trollocs*


I guess so, they don't really look like the type to discriminate when it comes to their food...

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That will do, my evil minion.


50 pts for the head

10 pts for the sultry vixen comment.


Can I give you the 10 points back Lily, or at least accomplish another task for you? One of your minions shouldn't have to be rewarded for stating the obvious... :myrddraal:


dang, i would totally give you 100 points for that post, and for the litter box, though the snark was unnecessary.


sadly, i have no points to give. but serious props, desp.


Thank you, thank you Cindy. I need no points from you, just allow me to stroke your luxurious feline fur :happy:

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I have a feeling the Dark One has a soft spot for cats, Cindy. After all, Dr. Evil liked cats, Dr. Claw from inspector gadget loved cats, it's kind of a perfect accessory for your evil supervillain.


Not to say you're an accessory that is, just that I don't think you have to worry bout your soul being tortured for millenia or anything. Unless you have an accident in his lap, that is.

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cats have their own standards. if the dark one gives good treats and provides a nice fluffy bed and pets at the proper times in the proper ways... why should a kitteh hold the slaughter and pillage and all against him? but, no accidents. possible unnecessary claw roughness, but no accidents. that's more of a puppy thing.


but my human self will most certainly have millenia of torment. and i deserve it. or will.

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