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Hey everyone!


My name is Mike and I'm brand new here. I started reading The Wheel of Time series sometime this year (a few months ago.) I currently have read The Eye of The World, The Great Hunt, The Dragon Reborn, and The Shadow Rising. I am currently reading New Spring, then will be moving onto The Fires of Heaven. So far these are the most interesting fiction books I have ever read - it really grabs your attention and sparks your imagination. Sometimes I forget I'm even reading a book - it seems more like a movie is unraveling in my head.


I went ahead and set up my profile on here, and hopefully will become an active member of Dragonmount. I have been getting other friends of mine involved in the books, and was originally turned onto the series by another friend of mine. Are there any forums for discussion of a specific book? For example if I wanted to only discuss The Eye of The World. Well, either way - just wanted to introduce myself.

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Heya!!! Welcome to dm!!!


We are very happy to have you here. People on the site are in various stages of the series (personally I've read them all--and am only a few books away with being done with my first reread!!!


I'll introduce you to the site a bit. There are social groups that have varying interests and topics. I'm personally a part of four and enjoy them all. You might want them to see where you'd fit in :) There are also role-playing boards if you're into that sort of thing. Then there are also just general boards to talk about the book.


So which characters and parts have been your favorite so far?

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Hey Aiel Heart,


I want to venture into more of the forums but I really do not want to be spoiled at all! I'm so into the books that it would be bad if someone were to accidentally spoil me. But, it seems like so far my favorites are Perrin, Lan, anything with the One Power, and anything involving Aiel. I guess that describes the whole story in a way, haha. Everything is interesting to me, from Bayle Domon to The Dragon Reborn. The only thing I hope (but won't be disappointed if it doesn't happen) is that I learn more about The Age of Legends and Lews Therin Telamon. I find that some of the most interesting out of anything.

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Oh, not much - I'm reading New Spring right this moment on my Kindle. I'm about 11% through it. I thought I would mention a rumor that I heard they are thinking about making a Eye of The World movie.. I'm not sure how true that is, though.

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Welcome to Dragonmount Psych :) It's nice to meet you!


As for as a movie goes, there was talk about a script being written so it's true something is in the works but I have no idea when it'll actually happen.


As for your question, I don't feel that qualified to answer cause I don't venture around the discussion boards. I took a peek just now and there doesn't appear to be a separation of boards to books or some such. But that's not to say there isn't some sort of separation of the threads themselves, perhaps on the Structured Wheel of Time discussion board. So lets sit tight and wait for a discussion fanatic to hop by and answer you properly (or you can PM Luckers, the admin in charge of monitoring the discussion groups, and ask :)).



If you have any other questions feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll see what I can do.







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I think you should be better off continuing with the books and picking up New Spring when you're done. But that's my personal opinion and every person can pop in here and say differently.


Ideally, it would be a good idea to read it first, before starting WoT. It would make sense timeline wise since New Spring happens before the Eye of the World. But New Spring came into the picture after the majority of the books were already out and so it was nice to go back in time and get a more in depth look of some of the characters we grew to love throughout the series. I don't feel I missed out because I read it later on.


But yeah, that's my take on it. The decision is completely up to you. :)






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Spoilers aren't that common on the social boards, especially if we know that someone who'll be looking at the board is only so far.


I know personally that the Wolfkin and Aiel groups are both awesome, so they might be good for you :) and if you wanna be a Warder the White Tower social group is also fun.


It'll be interesting to hear what you think about the books as the story unfolds for you. Hope to see you around!

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Welcome to Dragonmount.com, psychx

You have found what I believe is the very best fan forum and message board for a fictional series of books. Also, I believe without a shred of an iota of doubt in my mind that The Wheel of Time series is the VERY BEST series of fictional novels that has ever been written.

Stick around here long enough, and I can promise you that not only will you meet cool and interesting people online, but also that you will become friends with some whom you regularly interact.

We have many different forums and sub-forums where you can discuss practically anything that you want; including discussions that are not WOT based, but on just about anything else in this world that you might want to discuss. I encourage you to browse the forums, read and also participate in the countless discussions that are ongoing. Probably the best forums in dragonmount.com for new readers to the series are the various threads in the "Structured Wheel of Time" forums. http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/forum/85-structured-wheel-of-time-discussion/ However, even there, I caution you to be careful as to which threads that you read because there is a good chance that there could be Spoilers in some of those threads for readers whom have not read all... or at least, most of the books of the WOT.

Also, some of the places where WOT fans can have the most fun are in the various Social Groups here, based upon different groups written by Robert Jordan in the Wheel of Time. These Social Groups include, but are not limited by; the Aiel, The White Tower, The Black Tower, the Ogier, and Shayol Ghul.








If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me at any time.

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Welcome to DM, psychx! Interesting name that, btw - how did you pick it?


How to avoid spoilers absolutely anywhere on DM ... hmmm ... *scratches head* ... read the rest of the books really fast? :biggrin:


But seriously: it's going to be virtually impossible to completely miss any spoilers, as we tend to integrate whatever happens in the books into our structures here, or mention it off-hand in a conversation. About the only time you'll find no spoilers, is the first few months after a book has been released - then all the staff must watch with a hawk eye and edit out any spoilers anyone posts except in a special board at the discussion side. And that is only spoilers for that book, anyway. As a few have mentioned, your best bet for now is the Structured Wheel of Time Discussions board, though I've never ventured there myself and can't help you more than that I'm afraid :sad:

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Thanks everyone! And, I'm not sure how I came about this name... I think it started a long time ago (maybe 10+ years) when I was playing computer games with a bunch of friends. I used to use the name Turtle (or 3_Legged_Turtle at the very beginning) - but decided to change it to Psycho. Well, since Psycho or something like it was so common anywhere I went; I decided to change it to PsychX.. and now it has basically woven down to just psychx, Psychx, or PsychX. But, I guess in a way it suits me, because sometimes I really do feel like I have kind of strange psychic connection with certain people. Also, I guess in a way - PsychX ("psych" "ex" or "ix") sounds similar to Psychic or Psychics.

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