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How old is the average WOT fan?

Leopoled Boothe

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First of all i think a meet in Amsterdam would be sweet, 30 000 would be amazing party!!!

The thought of drinking some of the finest beer around is always a good way to interest the Aussies!!!


Finally dimmu my cousin plays for the Dockers, they made it into the finals again this year an actually won but were knocked out before the actualy Grand Final.


your cousin plays for the Dockers?!....dude thats awesome. Shiiiiat do you get free tickets to the games? mannn fremantle is like a few minutes drive from town and i don't get to see them much. So who won the grand final? don't tell me the eagles again....;(


ha ha nah we don't see him too often because we're in country vic. Unfortunatly West Coast won it again (i was goin for them) and they beat Sydney by 1 point!!! They made a hell of a comeback in the end!!!


Wow Manethral,


I must say..I am jealous that you still have the pleasure of reading two more books for the first time...enjoy !


I think its abt 13-70+. Depending on how well the mind has developed. I'm younger than 20 and most of my (dorky) friends have read it so i'd say anyone can read it.

The who is dorky is such at risk that all literature is good

Don't ask. I've got no idea wat my friend was on at the time. :P


My daughter gave me the first book in,I think 92, and said you HAVE to read this.Hooked is putting it very mildly.I have reread them at about every second book.

My age....59.


Sparta Tennessee

  • 2 years later...

i'm 40 goin on 20  ;D

i've read WoT since it first came out an have read and re-read em till the bindinds are breaking  :'(

ima have to get a new set soon lol because this is my favorite series so there is no doubt ima re-read em again ( currently at FoH and almost finishd reading series again in prepping for MoL  ::) )


I am 44 now, will be 45 in a few months. Back in 1991 when I first read EoTW, I was just a couple months past my 27th birthday. :)


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