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Deux Ex


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Have you played Mass Effect? Have you played splinter cell? Basically this game is both games combined. You sneak around and try not to be noticed.. or run at the guards and unleash your arsenal. The way the game is like Mass Effect is you level up your character as you play, it is an open world and you can choose how to interact with NPCs. You actions will determine the outcome of the game. So if you REALLY like Splinter Cell, I would say this game is right up your alley.




Like every game, the AI is dumb. I can be on a corner with my head poking out and the AI looking right at me will not notice me. When I take on all the guards and they are lobbing EMP or stun grenades at me I am not worried. I just stay crouched and wait for it to pass before one shotting them in the head. I would appreciate AI that would think "Hey he is stunned, lets rush him".


I am not thrilled about the upgrades.


You have a mini map in your lower right corner, but it is just a circle showing mark locations. It does not show terrain, buildings or etc. So it is basically useless except to give you a general location. You have to stop running, open your map on the pause screen and memorize a path.


The plot is nothing original. Right when I started the game I already knew the plot because it has been recycled so many times.




I like sandbox games. I like exploring. I got the game for free by trading in some old games. Errr...

  • Community Administrator

Okay, if the plot is unoriginal, And you supposedly haven't beaten it yet. How does it end?


The revolution/evolution aspect both are key features of the game. The game is about the 'revolution' based on the 'evolution' of humanity.


And I wouldn't say its splintercell meets mass effect, as the gameplay is similar to the orginal Deus Ex, and Deus Ex: Invisible War. The only difference is they added a cover system, and upgraded the hacking system into a mini-game.


Upgrade system is actually similar to the orginal deus ex, just more simplified.


Sorry this is the new release... Deux Ex Human Revolution (see what they did there... Evolution... with a R in front).


Oh ok. Haven't been keeping up with new games cuz my comp sucks and my 360 broke.


Okay, if the plot is unoriginal, And you supposedly haven't beaten it yet. How does it end?


The revolution/evolution aspect both are key features of the game. The game is about the 'revolution' based on the 'evolution' of humanity.


And I wouldn't say its splintercell meets mass effect, as the gameplay is similar to the orginal Deus Ex, and Deus Ex: Invisible War. The only difference is they added a cover system, and upgraded the hacking system into a mini-game.


Upgrade system is actually similar to the orginal deus ex, just more simplified.


I have not played any of the previous games.... so the best thing I can compare it too are games I have played. This feels like splinter cell to me with the sandboxing of mass effect. I guess the past titles already had an open world with sneaking around. *shrugs*



Well I don't have everything figured out... but I would imagine someone is trying to create a signal that controls/overloads augments and we will have to destroy that signal. Of course there are multiple endings based on a decision we make down the road.... so I am not sure how that might change.

  • Community Administrator

Damn mobile, I click on a topic, It opens the page below it! (Even though the adress clearly points its the original link I clicked)

I'm guessing thats how this thread got locked. >_<


There are multiple endings yes; Just not nearly as much as orginally hyped. (Makes me sad panda)


I'd probably compare the games sneak mechanics closer to Metal Gear Solid than splinter cell. (IN Metel gear, enemies had alert stages. In Splinter cell, They just got pissed and ran around looking for you, Course, if that happens you were already caught, and you kill them, and hte rest of the compound doesn't know you exist.)


As far as the story goes, think of it like wheel of time. You know certain things are going to happen, but you don't know the whos the why's, let alone how 'YOU' are going to achieve it. One of hte perks of Deus Ex isn't so much the endings, but how you Get there.

Do you kill everyone?

Do you try to not kill everyone?

Do you try to blaze through it?

Do you explore every knook and Cranny?

Do you hack into everyones emails and read everything about htere mundane life from the spam to the cybering?

Do you just bust down doors in your way instead of finding the 'key'?

That kinda stuff.


And the ending you are close, but off.

Lets say such a device existed. Whats the motive for doing so?

Thats what your off on. ;)


I felt kinda bad hacking into the offices and computers of your co-workers.


There's also some landlord at Alice Gardens Pods. I stole his money then read his journal, I felt bad afterwards...


Love this game. I played the original to death and consider it one of my fav games ever, so unfortunately any amount of awesome they pack into a sequel was never going to compare.


To me this one didn't seem as 'deep' as the original. Still a great game to play through if you are a fan of the original, but there isn't as much philosophy or the hours spent memorizing guard patrols to sneak through undetected etc etc.


I do always enjoy a good "everybody dies" ending though heh.



Good fun. But it does make me pine for the original.


Is the hard mode better? Sure I have trouble sneaking through a level. But all I need to do is pop someone in the head... run to another spot (like around a corner) and I am not worried about someone finding me. It should also be a bit harder to find vents. I mean they glow as if blessed from above. Ok sometimes they are behind a box, but really not that often.


Nothing glows in hard. And reticle is default off. That's the only real difference I've noticed between normal and hard.


Oh, and enemies seem the same. My current play through, stun gun has been the only weapon I've used (besides on bosses (Typhoon is OP)) since it only needs one shot to down an enemy.


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