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Does Enviroment Affect Balefire?

The Fisher King

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But, why am I the only one who has ever wondered: ''Why don't team Dark just BF RAND???''

You're not. But Team Dark have often tried to keep him alive, so balefiring him makes no sense.


What about Liah? Shadar Logoth? Min? Mat? Semi? The Darkhounds?
What about them?


I always thought 'how' and 'where' was a matter of 'very small amount of balefire' added to 'distance from Shayol Ghul'.

That explanation still doesn't seem to fulfil the coupled where and how conditions.

If it's a very small amount of BF then it would be only the "distance" that was relevant.

And if it's a lot of balefire, then distance would be irrelevant.

If it was a very small amount of balefire close to SG, Shai'tan might have caught him. If it was something other than balefire at that distance, Shai'tan might have caught him.
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Hadilmir, I would like to thank you, I think this is possibly the most illuminating theory i have ever read on this forum,


"Think of it this way-


Metaphysically, there is an ocean of souls 'below' the world in WoT. A living soul extends from the 'Sea of Souls' and into the Pattern, it still originates in the 'ocean', but the 'top' end of the flow reaches into the world. When a soul dies, the column extending from the ocean to the world collapses downwards, like the water running out of a straw. The Dark One can grab said column and stop if from collapsing, but he cannot pull a soul directly out of the 'Sea of Souls'. However, if balefired, the column seems to have started collapsing before the point in time which the person died, their soul was burned back out of the Pattern in negative time. Because the point in time when the soul collapsed is effectively a paradox, the Dark One cannot have 'grabbed' the soul before it began returning to the 'Sea of Souls' and even if the Dark One caught it 'halfway' due to weak balefire, the Dark One doesn't have the power to pull it back 'up' into the Pattern."


It's exactly what I imagined - However I had NO idea how to put into words.



I always thought 'how' and 'where' was a matter of 'very small amount of balefire' added to 'distance from Shayol Ghul'.

That explanation still doesn't seem to fulfil the coupled where and how conditions.

If it's a very small amount of BF then it would be only the "distance" that was relevant.

And if it's a lot of balefire, then distance would be irrelevant.

Neither the distance nor the amount was enough on its own.


Edit: I see Mr. Ares beat me to it. I have a bad habit of responding to posts before reading the rest of the responses.


I always thought 'how' and 'where' was a matter of 'very small amount of balefire' added to 'distance from Shayol Ghul'.

That explanation still doesn't seem to fulfil the coupled where and how conditions.

If it's a very small amount of BF then it would be only the "distance" that was relevant.

And if it's a lot of balefire, then distance would be irrelevant.

Neither the distance nor the amount was enough on its own.


Edit: I see Mr. Ares beat me to it. I have a bad habit of responding to posts before reading the rest of the responses.


Ok is your logic based on the following?

1) RJ's statement that "a very small amount of balefire may not stop resurrection".

2) Extrapolating the distance factor from Shaidar's PoV in ACoS?

Or do you have any other data especially related to the distance factor?


I always thought 'how' and 'where' was a matter of 'very small amount of balefire' added to 'distance from Shayol Ghul'.

That explanation still doesn't seem to fulfil the coupled where and how conditions.

If it's a very small amount of BF then it would be only the "distance" that was relevant.

And if it's a lot of balefire, then distance would be irrelevant.

Neither the distance nor the amount was enough on its own.


Edit: I see Mr. Ares beat me to it. I have a bad habit of responding to posts before reading the rest of the responses.


Ok is your logic based on the following?

1) RJ's statement that "a very small amount of balefire may not stop resurrection".

2) Extrapolating the distance factor from Shaidar's PoV in ACoS?

Or do you have any other data especially related to the distance factor?

DragonCon, 3 September 2005 - WinespringBrother reporting:


Tam: Ouch - Okay, now that you have killed my black cord theory, are the oath and covenants Forsaken make with the Dark One necessary for the Dark One to transmigrate a soul?

Jordan: They are not necessary, but he is not likely to do it for anyone who hasn't done, who hasn't sworn to him.

Tam: He doesn't have access to all souls to be able to grab any soul?

Jordan: No, no, no. Because of the Bore and the fact that the Bore is best perceived, the Bore doesn't really exist in Shayol Ghul, the Bore exists everywhere, it's simply in Shayol Ghul where it can be perceived most easily. By the same token he has greater access to people at Shayol Ghul than he does elsewhere, or did, and uh, that's, when you know, Rahvin died, Rahvin is balefired out of time, slain out of time, cannot be reached, gone. Be'lal, (names someone else).

Admittedly, not very coherent. I think the boss actually did this transcript, so blame him. :wink:


You know, Ive wondered a lot over the years: ''What if (fill in random name) were Balefired?''


But, perhaps going after LIVING beings with Balefire is not the way to go at all (except, of course, when you need to undo something, as with Rand/RahvinMat/Avi) but rather more wisely it is to go after inantimate targets since it is now canon that souls are untouched by - indeed, impervious to - Balfefire, while Threads are most definitely NOT.





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