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Roka!!! *Flyingtacklesnugglebites*


How's you, man? Haven't seen you for AGES! *Throws a Trolloc at you.* Oops ... sorry, Narg.


Well, I have looked at your sexy profile. Quite often. I'm just too shy to talk to you there *snatches burek and stuffs it in her mouth*


Who the *beep* let Roka back into DM??? Seriously! Do you not know the damage this trolloc can do???? *sighs* I guess it is up to Narg to defend the slightly off white tower.


*Walks over to his leaning tower of poop and pulls the cap poop.... and watches it collapse onto Roka*


Welcome back to the fun!


Ahem. Elgee, I like you *licks*. Narg... why do you collapse a leaning tower of poop on me? Did I not nurture you when you were in need of nurturing? Did I not save you from certain death at the hands of a shark? Maybe fins? Did I not teach you everything you know, including what to do with a leaning poop tower?! Is this the thanks I get?!! I would excpect this from a warder, but not from a Trolloc. Warders come and go, but trolloc is for life! Now jump into the poop or call yourself a trolloc no more!


Nyn, I have a mission for you, talk to you in chat.



Leaving you with my new fav smiley :jordan:


*blinks* I think there's an echo in here . . .


Hi Roka! I don't remember meeting you before.


Huh? Thanks? From a trolloc? *reads Roka's post again* Narg was supposed to get all that from your ranting and rambling? Narg though the only law of trollocdom was... if you want a leg of Hoomahn... you have to fight me for it... Which reminds me...


*grabs Elgee and pulls her away from Roka* Narg claimed the WT for Nargs hunting grounds... errrr... Narg mean... place of residence... if you want to... visit... yeah... visit... Narg not letting his food go that easy... :biggrin:


What is going on here? It is a battle of trolloc wills. The two of us will sit here trying to force the other to do something that they don't want to... until one of us dies...


The other will then sit there to prove how great they are until they die. By doing this they hope to gain social standing and eventually be elected tribe leader... Weirdly... no current sitting tribe leader has ever risen to that rank by participating in one of these... strange...


As for marking my territory... I marked the tower as mine with my poop....



As for Roka... it IS NARG poop.... as such... it is meant to be flung by Narg... not sat in by Narg... *flings his poo at Roka*


I know what I'm telling you to do goes beyond any common sense, it is YOUR poo, and you are right to swing and catapult it to your hearts desire at other people. But common sense is boring, so come join in the poo, or else I'll spread your poo around the tower until everyone is sick of Nargi poo = you will be very sad and firendless as a result.


Far smarter to just jump in the poop poo *nods*


... remind me NEVER to say "bite me!" to Narg.


Yo Snarly! Relax, I've got this.


Narg, why did you dump poop all over all those hooman legs Roka brought us you as a present? Maybe you should go dig some out before any of the Initiates get here - you know they'll eat all the best parts!


Dar, Roka is an old and respe ... he's a really old member who hung out mostly at the BT and SG. Plays a mean game of "what the fluff are we supposed to do ok let's just make sure non of them realize we're Mafia" game. I still feel a twinge of guilt now and then that I got him killed. But heh, it was every Chosen for themselves *nods*


Narg already friendless... he already covered the tower in his poo... and when has Narg ever done smart thing? Would it not be easier for you to bring your own poo? Then we can exchange poo recipies?


And Elgee... don't think you can outsmart the great and powerful NARG! Narg plainly see that Roka brought shoulders... not legs... shoulders meant for initiates...


Hmmm ... have I ever told you about this lovely shoulder roast I do, with a bit of Tearan wine and some Arath ...


Then I brand thee pretend trolloc!



All trollocdom shall know, Nargbert is no true Trolloc, but a trolloc wannabe. You probably know all the tribe names I bet, just like any trolloc wannabe would know. Myself, I forgot half of them, cus I'm the real stuff.


Jump in the poop pool! Jump, jump, jump, jump


*scoffs at the branding... if a trolloc with a beak could scoff* Ha! You remember half the names?? Narg not remember is OWN tribe name. Narg brands you.... HOOMAHN!!!! *does the trolloc dance of hooman branding*


I will NOT jump in the poop pool! *installs a poop pool slide*



And... Are you inviting me over for dinner Elgee? :biggrin:


Dinner! With the Amyrlin! Will have to wear my best feathers!


forgot it all... should have gone with that one -_-



now slide, jump or wiggle into the poop pool, don't care, but trollocs share the poop or we're no trollocs



Saw you need to wait like 3 seconds before making a new post after the old one... that's just inhumane :(


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