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Sand. That's annoying me right now. I can't go any where without it being there. I used to love sand. I don't anymore.


Uniforms. Enough said.


Crickets. Who knew the Middle East had crickets and they could be so annoying? I didn't. Camel spiders and scorpions are what I thought I had to be worried about. nope it's that damned Jiminy who keeps me up while I'm trying to sleep.


These are just a few things bugging me right now lulz get it, bugging... feel free to share all the things that annoy you. and yes I mean you. *points far into the distance at an unknown place in time*

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Usually its just people, there are too many occassions that annoy me, just a few examples: Fat people next to you in airplane, screaming babies, dumb people that don't know anything about something still want to give their uneducated stupid opinion, and on and on.

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