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Test for Accepted/Aes Sedai


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Well, let's not forget that applying for the test isn't automatic as well. You have to convince the MoN that you're ready to take the test and become an AS. If you don't show the necessary traits, you'd eventually be put out of the Tower.


In that sense, the test is there to make sure you won't bring shame to the name of AS in difficult times, not that you're ready to bear the responsibility of AS.


Oh, and it's Moiraine you meant, I think.


Crick, I did mean Moiraine - thanks! As for the MoN needing to propose you for testing, also true, but I still feel that the test lacks substance and validity. It just seems a bit too generic for my taste. If you're going to initiate people into an organisation which is so set on guiding the world, you really should be very sure that they won't turn out to be twits.


They should replace the Accepted Test with the Kobayashi Maru unbeatable test from the last Star Trek movie (yes, I know it was originally introduced in Wrath of Khan) to teach the wanna be Aes Sedai humility and perspective. Then replace the Aes Sedai test with the 3 questions from the man guarding the bridge in Monty Python's Search For The Holy Grail. If they aren't smart enough to get past that guy, they don't deserve the shawl.


On a more serious note, once they find out (from Rand) what the original use was for the Oath Rod, does anyone think it will go back to being used like it was in the AoL, to punish channelers? I always thought that in a weird way, the Oaths would mean more if they didn't depend on an artificial means of holding yourself to a set of principles.


About the Tower claiming ownership of all objects of the Power, there's actually very good reasons for them to do this. Many ter'angreal can be activated even without the OP, and can possibly injure the person who activated it or those around him/her. Then think about the angreal and sa'angreal that are made to be used by men, if any rogue male channeler gets his hands on of any of those it can mean devestation. Plus, the White Tower can most likely make MUCH better use of objects of Power because they are a centralized depository of information related to other objects of Power and the multitude of shared experience and wisdom from the sisters far outweighs the tools at hand for Mary S. Randlander.


Yes, I agree. Only, they are after all being initiated into an all-channeling society. It'd be weird for the test not to revolve around the use of OP, at least to some degree. But yeah, you do have a point.

  • 1 year later...

I think that Aes Sedai's test reflect their current values, i'm not going to quote it exactly but Siuan back in the great hunt was pretty much telling Moraine that the hall was giving her shit because she hadn't reported back to the tower. In other words these people believe that the Aes Sedai's reputation is so sacred that it's better to do nothing than something (Unless it's seriously important like taking down false dragons)   

I also think that the test's were originally just one aspect of the entire test and that everything about Ase Sedai current system was designed by some sort of dark sister, think about there is no better way to severely weaken your enemy by making them think it's for the greater good. perfect example the entire oath system whether its not being able to defend yourself and stuff like that. As a I'd Darkfriends appreciate not being burned to death and as a darkfriend I'd be like hell yell this oath is awesome and this all under the perfect pretext of limiting power. :) (That's it for know I might add more later when I broad more)


I don't remember exactly I think it was a forsaken said that when she was alive before there was far greater technology available could the test chamber be some advanced machine?...(Don't quote me on that part)

 My other theory is that's in a realm between the dream world and ours  


Well, since the topic is already resurrected... I think the tests are perfect examples of how as a society Aes Sedai become corrupt. Basically, in both tests, they are ingraining young women with the idea that having the title Aes Sedai is more important than saving hundreds of people. Is it any wonder that Aes Sedai become arrogant and self-important as hell? They are meant to be.


Clearly the 100 weave Ter'angreal was the Aes Sedai AOL version of a Star Trek Holodeck. 


Those Aes Sedai could have imagined a Beach Vacation setting for Nynaeve just as easily as all the scenario's she actually faced.


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