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Welcome to DM Joel! Which book are you on now? What story arc are you most in to? Fav. characters etc.


I would caution you that there are a lot of spoilers in the discussion boards (and over this site really) so if you don't want to know about what happens before you read it I would suggest you avoid those discussion boards. however they are a good place to look if you really can't wait, or if you have questions about things you've read. Just let them know where you are in the series and how much spoilers you want.


Once again, welcome to DM!

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Welcome to Dragonmount.com, Joel.

We have many different forums and sub-forums where you can discuss practically anything that you want; including discussions that are not WOT based, but on just about anything else in this world that you might want to discuss. I encourage you to browse the forums, read and also participate in the countless discussions that are ongoing.

If you are interested in discussions about the WOT that are very structured, and therefore easy to determine whether or not you might read a spoiler in that disscussion, then I suggest this forum here on dragonmount.com : http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/forum/85-structured-wheel-of-time-discussion/

Also, some of the places where WOT fans can have the most fun are in the various Social Groups here, based upon different groups written by Robert Jordan in the Wheel of Time. These Social Groups include, but are not limited by; the Aiel, The White Tower, The Black Tower, the Ogier, and Shayol Ghul.

If you are interested, post what you like best in The Wheel of Time series, and then you can be given suggestions as to which ones of the Social Groups on Dragonmount that you might like. Dragonmount also has roleplay forums for those whom want to immerse themselves in character into the most fascinating fantasy world ever created, the world of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time.

You have found what I believe is the very best fan forum and message board for a fictional series of books. Also, I believe without a shred of an iota of doubt in my mind that The Wheel of Time series is the VERY BEST series of fictional novels that has ever been written. Stick around here long enough, and I can promise you that not only will you meet cool and interesting people online, but also that you will become friends with some whom you regularly interact.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me at any time. smile.gif

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Welcome to Dragonmount Joel! I agree, like many people here, with you about the Wheel of Time being the best. And this is the site to satisfy your addiction needs. ;) There's Discussion boards for discussing the books, Social Groups, for just randomly talking with awesome fellow fans, and the RolePlaying Boards for entering the world yourself. Any questions, just ask. :)

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The absolute best :) I'm absolutely obsessed! And now I'm absolutely curious as to the absolute number of times I can use a from of the word absolute in this absolutely rather short absolute post :P I'm in an absolutely weird mood. Sorry :P I usually hate that word

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let see im almost done with Winter's Heart and i would have to say one of my favorite books is probably lord of chaos thus far...and my favorite characters would have to be a tie between perrin, rand, and mat. i know that kind of an odd combo but i like the differences between each of the ta'veren.


thanks for all of the help guys

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Another one who likes Rand even almost finishing Winter's Heart, that's a tough thing. Most don't like Rand, which I think strange, he is my favourite.


Welcome here, pop in at dicussions, social groups, rp groups and don't hesitate to ask questions

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