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Scenes you would like to see


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I'm sure we have all read certain scenes in books and afterwards have thought that it would look amazing on the big screen. I'm sure I'm not the only 1 who was delighted to see a Balrog on the movie screen or Ride of the Rohirrim.


Well here's some I would like to see...


The Hobbit(start with this as it's the 1 thats in production, finally)


Bilbo and Gollums Riddle scene

The Battle of the Five Armies

Gandalf tricking the Trolls

Beorn- I just wanna see the Bearman

The spiders in Mirkwood


WoT (well all of it obviously)


Rands fight in the sky at Falme and the Heoroes of the Horn

The taking of the stone. Get to see the Aiel at their best and Mat blow a hole in a fortress with sum fireworks... you know I'm just gonna leave it at that for WoT finding it difficult to select 5 or 6 scenes for the list, there are just far too many to pick thru


Midkemia novels

Ashen-Shugar/Tomas- don't care what scene just wanna see a Valheru/Dragon Lord on screen

Pug/Milamber destroying the great arena on Tsurani homeworld Kelewan

Pug destroying a whole planet by making a moon collide with it

and now I'm in the same situation as WoT as my love for Feists work is equal to Jordans


Farseer Trilogy


Dragons sweeping the coast free of invaders



now I'm just going to stop because I've realised that this is a silly thread as we could all end up typing 15 pages each :rolleyes:


but if you can name just a few would be cool to hear what others would like to see

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The Battle of Blackwater, as it appears in ASOIAF. I gather significant changes happened to bring it under budget for the TV show. I just finished this scene in the book last night, and I think if it could be done like it is in the book, it would be awesome.

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after reading DwD, i have to see this is the scenes i'm looking most foward to seeing are




Danny making Drogon submit in the fighting pits with a whip and the prince of dorne getting burned to a crisp thinking he can do the same with the other two dragons




out of series not made into movie/series yet. i think WoT's Duami Wells and Semi getting spanked are high up on my list; aswell as the cleansing of the taint too.



another scene, is from Narnia. it's in the first book "The Magician's Nephew" and is when we first meet Aslan as he creating the world. that entire part was visually awesome in my head.

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Padan Fain... anything with old Padders, Especially Moiranes questioning in Fal Dara, or his dealings as Ordeith.

"Death" of Moirane and Lanfear.

Loyals and ghauls untold story of how they closed the Manetheren Waygate.


Dark Tower (Stephen King)

Death of Eddie Dean

The final fight between Roland and the Crimson king at the Dark Tower, and what happens after that (not spoiling)

The Entire Blain the Monorail scene.

Battle at Mejis. (Would be best directed by Frank Miller)

The Burning of Susannah, and Roland getting knowlage of this. (basically, it was then he turned "Big, old and Uggly")

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Codex Alera:


Bernard getting killed in the first book. I like his character but he gets run through with a sword by one of the best swordsmen In the world.


I agree with Basel about Blackwater if that is shown how it is in the book it would be more awesome than any battle in LOTR. It should still be quite good though as that episode is being written by GRRM.

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I don't really connect with the massive battle scenes.


What I can think of off the top of my head:


ACOS: Rand's return to Cairhien. "Whatever can be done can be undone."


The Iron Wars, Paul Kearney - the ending. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go read Hawkwood and the Kings and Century of the Soldier (the omnibus editions) right now.


Corfe riding away through cheering crowds, but all he can see are his dead friends and comrades.


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