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Falling Skies


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So the premier was about what I expected and from the upcoming episodes it looks like a lot is going to change. I like the idea of the series more than the series itself so far. I'm not so sure Noah Wyle was the best choice for the lead.

I missed about 15 minutes of the show and didn't care. biggrin.gif I didn't bother rewinding. The story was pretty weak at that part. Hopefully the rest of the series will be a little more grounded.

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I rather liked the premeire, but it seems like the sort of show where they will have to keep an eye on the quality. It has potential to be very, very good. It also has the potential to make the same mistakes that many failed SF shows have done. V comes to mind. Another thing to keep in mind is that while Spielberg has had a lot of cinematic success, his track record on TV has not been that good. Amazing Stories arrived in the mid-'80s with massive hype and sank like a stone. SeaQuest ran for 2 1/2 seasons and was lucky to get that much. Now we have a new show with Spielberg's name attached to it and a load of hype to go with. Time will tell if history repeats itself.

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i dunno how much Speilberg actually has to do with the project though. he seems to have about 5 new TV shows comming otu this year *shakes head*



i actually enjoyed this show and have added it to my DVR. it will atleast hold me over until Dexter i think. i like how it picks up after the invasion (where every movie leaves off) rather than showign the same over done thing for 2 hours.


it has some interesting characters in it, loads of ways the plot can turn adn a very cinema-dramatic feel to it. i'm looking forward to catchign the next few episodes :happy:

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I thought the pilot was so-so. I am trying to figure out what is bothering me so much. Maybe it is not dark enough... the show feels a little too happy to me. Think of Walking Dead or BSG... as a viewer I felt a sense of hopelessness. I do not get this feeling when watching this show. You kind of need that feeling to connect with the characters and route them on. Also there was no sense of urgency or excitement. Really this show has been done before... and much better. I will continue to watch a few more episode in hopes it picks up (and that the commercial breaks lessen).

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Emp i have a totally different feeling towards the characters of this show and i think the angle their getting at is good and will get you to route them on.


for me, it's got a rebel type feel to it. kinda like what the colonist felt during the American Revolution. the humans are out numbered and out gunned; but because their American they're also stubborn, spiteful and have beaten these odds before.


but i think my opinion or feelings are skewed a bit because my political unrest as a citizen and that i have a slight wanting to rebel against my current government is seeping into this :laugh:




i don't have an attachtment to any of the characters yet, which is not the norm for a good show; and i didn't get to see all of last nights episode but what i did see was on par with the premire. one thing i'd like to see is more of the Aliens, to see if the show can define their culture and show them more than just an outspace speices bent on world domination.


i think if they move away from the "Humans win agaisnt overwhelming odds" angle that every Alien show/movie takes; and actually try to build the Aliens up as an almost sympathetic species and get the audience torn on whether or not they support the Aliens .... well then you'd have an outstanding show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

TNT has renewed "Falling Skies" for a ten-episode second season. The series, which deals with the aftermath of an all-out invasion by an alien military force, has averaged 6.4 million viewers for live and time-shifted viewing for the first three episodes.

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We've been watching these shows at home, and i find them to be entertaining.


I wouldn't say their are great, but they keep me entertained throughout the whole show.

If i have to rate it 7/10.

I would have liked to see them a bit darker but that's just personal preference :)

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glad to see it got renewed. it's not a must see on Sunday like Dex or GoT's, but i still enjoy watching it. i haven't really watched hte new epi yet. i mean i watched it at Applebees last night, btu we didn't have the volume up; so i know how it goes but have no idea what was said :laugh: i'm gonna watch it tonight though :happy:

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you know. my gut told me when dude asked for only the kids that someting wasnt right!! i'm glad to know my gut wasn't lieing.



flamming turncloak!!! i hope he gets flayed *mumbles about sending him to the Botlons* look.gif sorry, mixnig WoT & ASoF&I there :laugh: but still, that guy got my blood pressure up!! which speaks highly of this show btw :biggrin:




see, the entire thing doesn't make sense from a strategy point or even a logical point. someone had to think "this feels wrong" i mean, his entire reasoning behind getting the kids was because they'd draw the skidders, but it's not like the skidders woudl go "oh theres no kids here, well then we'll let ya'll adults live even though your going to try and ambush us and kill us."


no, the skidders would still take them out.



see, what i woudl have said was this. get everyone packed up to move out, it the first patrol comes then we move the company out to this safe heaven this guy claims he has. leave a company of 10 seasoned fighters (11 if you include the scout they sent out) to hold the school until 2nd mass gets there and then reconvine with 2nd mass at the safe zone.


if the guy is speaking the truth and there is a major assualt of skidders and mechs on the butts of the 2nd mass, having the civillan's in the school is gogin to do more harm than good. first off, you won't beable to hold the school from a mass attack of skidders and your goign to want to move out fast when 2nd mass gets there; so havign nothing but soldiers there will be to youy benefit. then you have to think if the skidders have kids with them and if those kids have guns andare being told to fire on 2nd mass and your unit (like the skidders have done before)


in this situation, you don't wan thte parents there incase it's one of their kids the Skidders are using; even a seasoned soldier like Mike broke and ran for his son; if your dealing with a civilian or ten in this same situation it will be worse and will work against you and likely make you sitting ducks. even if none of the kids are kin to any of the people in the group, you still have to deal with the possability that you'll likely have to defend yourself to escape alive and might have to end up shooting the kids the skidders are using. it's a disheartening reality, but it's going to eventually come to that imo.




but no one in this series seems to have a clear head in this area *shakes head* but then again, it woudln't make for a good drama if they had taken my advice above :laugh: atleast if i'm ever in that situation, i have a plan of ction already in my head :happy:

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so i was happy to see him get shot! though i'm sad cause Mike is gone now :madmyrddraal: i liked him alot. i relly liek the loner guy that keeps finding his way back, the really good cook hehehe



so it also appears that the halters might turn the kids into skidders :unsure:

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okay so this is interesting. now we know that they can halter older teens, not just young kids. and apparently the skidders were some other creature that was haltered, which means those relaly tall dudes are the ones they need to focus on taking out.



my guess is that the Skidders were humans that were abducted before the invasion. *nods*



and now we also know whats driving those Mechs too, hopefully they can crack open a mech and get one of those true aliens prisioner, i'm glad that they have armor piercing rounds now too!!! i really like that guy, Pope!!



i'm thinking those tall aliens are fleshy bodied, so putting a few rounds in them should be enough to bring them down, unlike the Skidders. which would explain why they use the Mechs to protect them *nods*



i feel sorry for Mike's kid thogh, he's totally got a bad case of Stock holmes syndrom. and it seems like removing the halters might not be enough to sto the skidder transformation; but maybe it will allow those that do transform to keep their "human" thoguhts & speech and allow for some skidders on the inside, which would be a great technical advantage if you ask me *nods*

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Really?? I have to wait until next summer?? C'mon!! It ends there, and now we have to wait....unreal. Great cliffhanger ending though I have to say. And was really glad that Weaver got his act back together, he's an interesting character, not as interesting as Pope, but still good. All in all, I thought it was a good first season and was really glad that it focused more on the humans surviving storyline than a really weak made for TV alien vs. human shootout series that probably wouldn't have looked very good with inferior TV special effects. It also made it a lot more unnerving whenever the aliens actually showed up onscreen. As for Noah Wyle, I've been a big fan of his since his role as Dr. Carter on ER, I was a big fan of that series. And while I thought he might have a hard time playing a macho soldier role, I think he did just fine. Whoever it is that plays his son Hal did a really good job too.


But still, really sucks that now we have to wait a year to find out what happens to Tom now. Oh well, WoT reread time I suppose.

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i have to say, that while the ending made me a bit mad, i can't wait for next season.


anyone else want the idiot who tried to shoot Ben to become Skidder bait for a mech target?? i mean seriously!!! this guys is gonna cause alot of problems for moral in the second season, we already see how he treats the kids who were rescued, just think of how he's gonna treat Tom if Tom makes it back in one piece.



i'm also glad that Weaver got his act together, though i can sympathize with him as far as needing somethign to take the edge off like drugs or alchol. i'm glad, for the sake of the peopel he's leading, that he's gotten off the drugs though.


and Pope is by far my fav character. yeah he's not a total good guy and is a crap leader, but man i can't help but like him :biggrin:




i had to think of something too, the new weapon the humans have against the aliens reminds me of the disciplinary tool that i use on my dogs, you know, those sonic noise dog trainers that emit a high pitched sound that hurts dogs ears.


maybe they should raid a Petsmart and attach them to their riffles *grins* i can see it now, attacha no0-bark collar to a skidder and everytime they try to halter a kid, you press the button and go "Bad Skidder!"



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