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[SG Faire: Wolfkin] Masquerade Ball!


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Red gives Moon a cool blue eyed gaze with hands on her hips; her voice sharp like a whip

Egwene, Moraine may have let you get away with that nonsense of pretending to be full Aes Sedia, but you try that around me you'll be wishing you were dealing with a lionfish in your boat and silverpike in your nets!

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Moon looks at Red confused. Adopting a regal air, she looks at Red. She will not lose her temper, as it befits neither of her stations.


Suian, I am not the Amyrlin. She herself named me full Aes Sedai when she was raised.


** yep i'm Suian ** hehehe i like playing as her though. Fish Guts for you guessing hehehehe


Red raises an eyebrow at Moon, her cool glaze still pinning the girl where she stands. Pursing her lips, she taps her foot and clicks her tognue, her cheeks slighty heating from confusing the two girls.



Thats Suian Sedai, Elyane, and do not forget that I know you also pretended to be a full Sister as well. You haven't held the Oath Rod yet Child, nor have you obtained the shawl. You can still be sent to scrubbing pots again, 9 months pregnate or not; and I'll see that Laras works you extra if you think you can take airs here in the Tower, as if this was your Mothers palace!




Moon looks at Red confused. Adopting a regal air, she looks at Red. She will not lose her temper, as it befits neither of her stations.


Suian, I am not the Amyrlin. She herself named me full Aes Sedai when she was raised.


Moon, are you Elayne?


Jay walks into the room, eyes scanning those in attendance. A person would have to careful in a room full of Aes Sedai, although some of them are quite beautiful. * starts humming and running a thumb over an earlobe*


It seems to me there are far too many women at this ball. Sign me up please. (I am still new to the series so I may not be the best at it.)


It seems to me there are far too many women at this ball. Sign me up please. (I am still new to the series so I may not be the best at it.)


Good point. I'm willing to be a male character for the next round. Maybe it will be harder to guess who I am that way. :biggrin:




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