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Finished reread. Read TGS. FANTASTIC!


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I've mostly lurked here at DM, but i just had to add my 2 cents. All I can say is that The Gathering Storm was simply fantastic! One of the best WOT books in my humble opinion. It was really Egwene's book and she rocked! Now the end really feels near. Can't wait to get my teeth into TOM.


I don't think you'll be disappointed with Towers of Midnight

I agree with this, at least. If you thought TGS was fantastic, you will certainly enjoy ToM. Happy reading :smile:


You will likely be disappointed, not with the book but with Egwene, you would think she would have learned something from TGS. But yea, TOM isn't as fast, sadly, but it is good :).


egwene is one of my favourites but the only annoying thing is, how she has this sense of ownership of the tower like she has been aes sedai for 100 years or something when she only spent what 6 months in the tower as novice/excepted (sp).



my favourites are Cadsuane,nyneave,rand,egwene


Am I the only one who was a little disappointed with ToM? Some parts were really great, while others felt rushed and esp. Mat's and Thom's visit to ToG was "less" than I had expected for something that I had been waiting for for 8 books. Of course, I realize that if we are ever going to see an ending of WoT, Brandon can't squeeze out every drop of the plot-line, but still.....


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