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Flat updates


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So, I've moved into a new flat, which is terrible. I've been posting updates on facebook about it since it helps to vent. Thusly:



Landlord's girlfriend: "How is your inn tonight?"

Me: *puzzled, thinking she's wondering how I'm settling in* "... alright, um... sorry?"

Landlord's gf: "How is your inn tonight?"

Me: ...what?


internet, apparently.

13 March at 19:59



Flat update: saw a guy cooking today. In a small pan he was carefully frying onion. In the pot on the other element, he was also frying... onion. Huh.

15 March at 21:32



Flat update: was walking to the bus today and saw a guy waterblasting his windows. From the inside. I'm starting to think people in Chatswood are mental.

16 March at 14:37



flat update: smells like compost, apart from in my room (thankfully). No idea why. It's not the kind of smell you get from a bin that needs emptying... it's compost. Bizarre. Who knows what the people downstairs get up to?

12 hours ago




yes, Chatswood, Auckland. It's on the North Shore of the city so I get to take a ferry home if I want, and that's generally far more glamorous than the bus so I tend to. I like the suburb, just not the house.


I just got Simpsons High Five denied. Damn. Nobody likes Pocket Mulch? This log is our log... Anyway.




Chatswood SYD is quite nice, I worked there before my current job.


Admittedly, I was really drunk at the time...



Flat update: saw a guy cooking today. In a small pan he was carefully frying onion. In the pot on the other element, he was also frying... onion. Huh.

15 March at 21:32



Chatswood SYD is quite nice, I worked there before my current job.


Admittedly, I was really drunk at the time...

Where's the like button when you need it ;) I was there for a reception at Kam Fook restaurant, it was AWESOME.


Pandy: keep those updates coming, they are hilarious :D


Perhaps comparing caramelisation rates of two different temperature pans?


Thats the only logical thing I can think of. Is he a nutritional scientist by any chance?


Otherwise he's just a fruit loop.










Get it? Fruit Loop? come on people that's gold...


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