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2010 Emperor Awards --> time to vote


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The Emperor, or Empy, Awards are back!


They are being run by Talya, a Bander (I'm forgetting the fact she is the Black Tower leader! :biggrin:), so it would be great to a huge Band participation!


Also, it would be great to see some Band members and threads appearing as well, so please big up those! The Band has been a former winner of the Best ORG/Social Group, and Jak O' the Shadows is a former award winning thread. During 2010, we did many great things, so let's push "Original vs. Cover", "Tune or No Tune" and our various other threads. And the Band itself, because we are the best Social Group at DM!


Just a few rules:


1. Please ensure that all nominations are in the 2010, any in this year (whether joined, or started or gained a position after end of 2010 will not count - they can be then nominated in next years awards)

2. Only one nomination/vote per person.

3. when completing your form, please ensure that you put you FULL Dragonmount handle/name. Nicknames or shortened versions will not count.

4. You can only nominate for those areas which you take part in. If you don't RP you cannot nominate, if you don't take part in Debates and Discussions you can't nominate the Best Debater etc..


Link to thread: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/57522-empys-nominations/


The link to the nomination form can be found on there.


Oh, and on a side note, I will announce The Matrim Award winners!



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CBA to look at the Emperor Awards..


Is there a biggest idiot award though


Thats got Krak wrote all over it :tongue:


and he would be happy as he says he is accepting all nominations..


I had to say that Krak

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i have a question who's classified as staff here

If this is for the "Best Social Group Staffer" Award, then for 2010, it would be Jeannaisais, Horn, Canis, Amavia and Krak for the Band.

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It is now time to vote for the actually winners!


LINK: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/58184-voting-in-the-empys/


The Band is up for best Social Group and most improved! Time to win one of those, but we will have tough competition. So make sure you do vote!


Time to get behind the Band and its members who have been voted. That is mainly myself (3 awards) and Krak (2 awards), but if you can see any other Banders on there to get behind then do so!

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