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Basically this thread is for winners like Charlie Sheen. Favorite quotes of his? How long is his fame going to last? Did you know there's a mafia game on MJ based on Charlie Sheen in sign ups right now? That's how much he is made of win. Does anyone think he is not winning?



I am on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available. If you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body. Like who says this stuff? This man is ah-mazing!



So don't be a troll, and start winning (and discussing)!

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It's not a nice thing to have. Had depression and that was bad enough.


I know they have said ole Charlie, but I guess until he has had a proper psychiatric assessment we can't really say.


So will Wanrer pay up or will he take them to court?

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He is suing Warner Bros and the shows creator, Chuck Lorre, but if they don't settle, I am not sure if he can win. I kind of understand them firing him, though from a money making perspective his show is the most popular one on. This past week it had the highest ratings ever, and it was a rerun. hah I know I really liked Two and a Half Men.


I really hope this all drags on though because it is highly entertaining to me. I also can't tell if he is just that crazy or if he is doing this all on purpose.

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