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Daes Dae'mar - March 2011 Newsletter

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Welcome folks, to this months Daes Dae'mar!!!


So we have been having some hiccups around the Newsletter recently, but not to worry we're on it and fixing it! So this edition will be "short and snappy", but do not feel let down! We've got some pretty cool plans for next months newsletter, so keep those eyes peeled!!




PS. Let us know if you want to contribute to our Newsletter, either as a writer, information gatherer or just as someone to keep the rest of me entertained! >.> Well PM me if you're interested and I'll get you hooked up. We have all sorts of wonderful things :wink:



(in the past 2 months)




The White Ajah got all jazzed up and snazzy for their annual Winter Ball, so do share... What did you wear? :wink:


There cannot be a February without those Yellows spreading some love on Valentines Day, let's hope none of you had too many of those fantastic chocolates!


The Red Ajah has been holding their International Women's Week these past few days, and kudo's to the Reds, considering this was a big one! 100 years of International Womens Day.


Has anyone else noticed the laundry lying around and the food nabbed from the kkitchen?? This can only mean one thing. The Warders have returned.










Aes Sedai

The Blues have gained a Sister! Congrats Red!






During an enetertaining court session, Elgee and Amadine bonded as Souv'ra Sisters



Marta and Karasyl bonded on the finding of a sign





Lor and Claire steped down from their positions as MoN and Amyrlin - give them a hand for all the time and effort they put in and wish them luck on wherever the winds may take them.

Mirshann of the Gray Ajah has been instated as the new Keeper of the Tower! Go gray :wink:

Elgee is made Dragonmount's cuddly Elaida! Need I say more on the topic?

I have been promoted to position of Mistress of Daes Dae'mar! Super exciting, I know :rolleyes:Want to know more?

Aspies count your blessings or perhaps beware? :wink: Adella of the Green Ajah is our new MoN.






Zosime goesRed!

Song went Green!

Egwene went Green too! Lucky bunch :wink:


Bonding Anniversaries:



4th 2008 - Delenn and Paetric (W)

6th 2008 - Raena and Barmacral (W)

7th 2007 - Nynaeve and Tigara (S)

8th 2004 - Lor and Kynwric (W)

8th 2007 - Kara J and Shamaeso (W)

8th 2010 - LitteMiss and Charis sedai (S)

12th 2008 - Elgee and Vanion (W)

12th 2008 - Kara J and Vanion (W)

12th 2009 - Naeann and Daetrition (W)

12th 2007 - Taymist and F Horn of Valere (W)

12th 2008 - Elgee and Jhaenara (S)

17th 2008 - Cairos and Elgee (S)

22nd 2007 - Tigara and Adanza (S)

26th 2007 - Adanza and Tigara (S)

31st 2007 - Elgee and Damon Devilkin (W)

31st 2009 - Yelenia and Zashara (W)




1st 2007 - Tigara and Moose (W)

4th 2007 - Taymist and 12th Regiment (W)

9th 2009 - Minuet and Rasheta Ardashir (S)

11th 2007 - Arya Ellesmera and Do'vran (W)

12th 2008 - Meesh and DSage (W)

17th 2007 - Kara J and Talya (S)



May you all have many more years together :smile:




In March we're looking forward to the Green Annual Event - St Patrick's Day - which will be running from the 13th to 19th of March. And get those salads ready, you'll need them after the Brown Ajah's Chocolate Week they'll be holding during the last week of March! In April we'll find ourselves face to face with another Green Annual Events. Tower prepare yourself for: The Feast of Fools! which will be happening from the 1st - 8th of April.






what? All's fair in love and fluffy!




As a Hillfood, I'm obligated to share this.


Now, when first we looked, in the complete and total darkness the path seemed clear all the way to the pumps. So we turned back to minding our own business, and the next thing we know we were attacked.


By a ninja truck.


... Truck that shouldn't be there, two people swear it wasn't there twenty seconds earlier, no operator anywhere near the vehicle - you’ve got yourself a ninja truck.


Besides, a Hillfood is like a puppy; you can’t stay mad at me, even if I leave wet spots on the carpet. Though I assure you, I’m quite house-broken. Maybe just leave some newspaper down in the bathroom, just in case. >.>



So I was the kettle?



No. You're a little teapot. :tongue:



What's your fighting style?


My fighting style is one I like to call... Pen! Or words... or talking... or whatever... I confuse you, destroy your opinions, and make your head spin with all the crazy talk that you collapse to the ground, sucking your thumb wishing it would all just end.




Then I kick you when you are down. *nods*




And a stout immune system, apparently. :tongue:


*steps in something that squelches*

Oh dear Light. sick.gif





ummmmmmmmm, excuse me Miss, uhhhh Aes sedais's'ss'sss...Excuse me ladies. Ummmmmmm, you may not WANT to go in my room. You see, I have been a little lax in my cleaning since I have started and, well, to be honest, I haven't cleaned really, hehe at all see. hehehe. I know that isn't a problem for such stalwart women as yourselves but, uhhhh, there is something ALIVE :narg::bela::hopper::perrin: in there! I haven't been able to sleep in my own room for weeks now! :unsure: I think the mess has become something.....MOOORE. I don't know what but, uhhhh, I thought you would want to know before you went in there. It's the 4th door on the right there. If you'll excuse me, I'm goin to go back out to my tent now. G'night. *bows out*


Hey its not junk, trust me, I just got an AWESOME deal at that yard sale in Murandy!


It was Barm's idea! *points*


Adding cuddly was mine though. I didn't want people to think ill of you.


So you just straight up called me CUDDLY? *Stares in horror*


Lying with a straight face like that ... *shakes head* ... Black! She's a Black! Get her, peeps!


Fluffy? How about Feathery...she has got a pair of Boobies, with blue feet that Mirsh gave her....


Its true, she has. I saw them. She showed them to me one time but wouldnt let me touch. They were nice.


I like the title. It's funny, so clearly Jenn had to help Barm with it. :tongue:


I'll cut you.


Only if Jenn guide your hand ... *grins and ducks*


That's assuming a lot of Fnorrie, Elgeekins... he looks ruhl purty in a dress...


Poor Barm...im assuming he is a warder? In that case i have his back against you Light blasted women.


Y'know, only the Sword Captain before Vanion.




No biggie.


Great job every one!



P.s. You missed mine and Charis' bond.


March 8 2010 <3


I don't have dates for any of the ones post 2009, I'll hunt down dates later, but thanks!


*adds Limi and Charis to the list*


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