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Breakfast Foods

Little Miss

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I am honestly not a huge fan of breakfast. I just never feel motivated to eat in the mornings despite my roaring stomach..


However I tend to eat pop tarts, or make myself eat waffles that are easy to cook since they only each take like a minute and a half to make.


I will grant this to breakfast, I LOVE Ihop's strawberry and banana crapes, and some of their "breakfast" stuffs, like their chopped up and season potatoes, and their ham steaks.


I have weetabix and a glass of pure orange juice everyday, I need to eat something otherwise I wouldn't get very far. A nice Bacon roll every now and then is good too...


I can't say I like those bars, and tarts fro breakfast I like good old fashioned food, lol


I used to skip breakfast, now I make myself eat something. Usually porridge (with flavour) or yoghurt (healthy) with a granola bar and fruit. Occasionally I have toast with strawberry jam, om nom nom!


I know I SHOULD eat breakfast it's just that nothing ever SOUNDS good since I don't like traditional foods really.


Only time I honestly think cereal sounds good is typically at midnight for some reason :unsure:


You and my husband would get along great. He is always eating cereal at 11pm, right before he goes to bed.:rolleyes:


I get around the boring sounding breakfast by trying to mix it up a bit and occasionally indulging in some sugar-coated cereal, like Frosties.


Blechy, I guess I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so much cereals don't appeal to me. I do really like ones that are simple sweet flakes, with like granola and fruit and nuts of some kind in them, I like those a lot, they are just SO expensive :dry:


I LOVE Frosties...They are always good for a snakc any time of day, so are Rice krispies, and they are good for mixing with melted chocolate and moulding into little cake things...


:blink: err...okay


Of course the best breakfast is a Full english, but I on't have baked beans or the tomato...but sausage, bacon, egg, and fried bread...yummy.


Blast! Now I'm hungry!


i love Fried bread, I hardly ever have it...lol


I really need to do a proper fry one day soon...trouble is I won't eat for the rest of the day, lol


@ Talya: Weetabix is amazingtastic!


@ Limi: I'm with you on the midnight snack of cereal. >_>


Myself, I prefer to eat my mum's homemade granola or oatmeal in the morning.


I like having breakfast for dinner better than I do breakfast for breakfast. *nods sagely and watches people be confused*


BRINNER!!!!!!!!! that's one of my favorites ^^




I <3 Baccon.



Actually, I pretty much <3 all kinda of meat.


Me too! As some people know I'm pretty much a meat expert :waggle



Yeah I don't eat breakfast. I'm never hungry when I wake up, though I love breakfast foods so I normally eat them at different times of the day.


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