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It's official

el Nynaeve

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I spent my whole weekend backing up my laptop and I took a great amount of glee in wiping Windows off of it and putting Linux on it. I'm sure only geeks like me could take pleasure in the dumping of an OS, or maybe it's the taint. Either way, my house is now Windows free.


Oh and thanks Windows for telling me that my battery is FUBAR. Not. What's the use in telling me that my battery is "fully charged" and failing to tell me that fully charged means only 30% of it's operating capacity? Flaming useless.


You can get a 3D cube on Windows too...But dumping Windows for Ubuntu or Fedora is ok. If you were dumping it for an apple OS I might have had to beat you with the ugly stick...


I've never had much of a problem with windows. Yeah, vista wasn't that hot, but 7 has improved upon most of that. I have ubuntu on my computer too, but it's just not the same.


Well I run both partitions but i've got a Virtualbox so I don't have to keep switching. Ubuntu is for class and work while Windows i just keep for maybe a round of Left4Dead :P


If i had the choice though I'd buy an iMac..


Vista was pretty bad, but so far I'm liking Windows 7, although I admit I've never had anything else. (besides other Windows OS like XP and 98)


I've just reached a point where I hate Windows. It irritates the living hell out of me, and since I switched to Linux my computer is operating much faster than it used to.


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