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Give a big warm Band welcome to _wolfbrother_


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Firstly, apologises for the slowness in welcoming you! I was having net issues last night, as well as having a few too many Brews! That has been put aside, and here is your own thread!


I has asked for you to be added to our usergroup. I have no idea how long that will take, so please wait patiently. In the meantime, feel free to jump into the threads on our public board. You will be able to shortly see a lot more boards once the admins get into gear.


F Horn of Valere, the Band's Executive Officer, will be in touch shortly about getting you through our Recruit Scheme and being a fully fledged Bander!


So, sit back and enjoy yourself here!


Welcome to the Band!! I'm Kaylen, I'm in the infantry!! I hope you have a great time here and I look forward to getting to know you! Be sure to stop by the infantry boards after they get you added to the user group, and say hey. I'm sure more will be around soon to greet you.. it gets slow during the weekends though. :biggrin: If you have any questions feel free to ask any of us.. We're a pretty helpful group :wink:


Hey welcome. I'm Volke


Hope you have a good time. Alot of the people here are pretty cool, and all of them great senses of humor.

Hope you post lots, and that you get to know us.


P.S. Like Wolf I to am a RR as well. ^.^


Welcome to the Band! Glad to see you here! I'm Jea, the Under Commander, and will be the one keeping track of these elusive things known as points :) oh and handing out giant plates of extra special chocolate fudge brownies *hands over a plate of brownies*


another Wolf!


seriously Jea stop baking those brownies!


I am Imperium of the Cavalry btw Wolfbrother.


I hope you enjoy posting around the band.


Remember to drop by the stables when you get the chance!


*passes the recruit a barrel of bandy*




*talks around a mouthful of brownie* I don't keep making them, I enchanted one hundred plates before joining the band that are neverending and always have fresh warm gooey perfect brownies


Has anyone seen some of my tea?


oh right ok. thats allowed then


Thats nothing. I had to go round with a chicken mascot sig before for the one of the Infantry's taverns....I was innocent of their charges!


im not a cowboys fan. i lost a bet so i have to wear that sig :laugh: im a steelers fan. Yep the metal is good :tongue:


Whooohooo! Another Steelers fan! I blame my godfather for converting me!


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