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Into the jaws of hades...


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My birthday is May 23rd, and my brother's is May 24th (6 years apart though).

Gemini = WIN


Weird, but my sister-in-law keeps talking about how she wants another baby, and wants to plan to have it on my birthday :dry: I hate sharing my birthday...

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*shifts as the chain pulls on his next*


I might pass on the tea...Draghkar are creepy. I don't want any part of those things. *shudders*


*glances at Fnorrll, then back at Naeann* You could always join us at the White Tower. :wink:

*whispers* She is an Aes Sedai...

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She doesn't get over there much anymore, as she is mighty busy running this social group, but she is a Yellow Aes Sedai over at the WT. See? There is no harm in being a member of both groups! They're different kinds of fun.








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Erm... actually... I'm not a Yellow anymore. I'm currently ajahless. I was going to shop around and join a different one but then I took over SG and haven't made it over there.


Kworn I used to be very active at the WT and had two warders that have since drifted away from Dragonmount. So I is a sad little Aes sedai with no warders and now not even a home. I'll make you a deal though. You join Shayol Ghul and I will start visiting the White tower more. (but only as long as you stay active here too)

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