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  On 2/28/2011 at 1:29 AM, Aust said:

I've only ever really loved you for your tentacles. Now it's more of a complete affection ;) (just don't let us down... lol)


lol! well my tentacles are pretty awesome ^^ glad it's more well rounded now though :wink:


I know Tigs had to bow-out of another game(s)? that she was in. I hope she returns - we won't be able to get a lynch without her.


After much debate and many people being silent and scared to talk from the night before it seems that a majority was not formed. Even though Song had yelled out "Kill Limi!" It seems that not everyone believed her and that someone was up to no good...So everyone closed their eyes and did the hokey pokey and grabbed the first person that they touched. It seems that it was Song's time to die...


SONG aka Zyrshnikashnu, the finder has been killed by random.org


Player may speak again.


It is NIGHT. Night phase will end on Saturday at 12pm GMT-7. (Or when I get all the NA in).


Night was very quiet, with so few left it seemed that everyone was starting to keep to themselves during the night to try to keep from being the prey of the killers. A quick "Bah humbug!" Was heard from what some thought was Song's ghost. Then a quick scream lit the air. You rolled over and went back to sleep hoping that was the final death for the night. You woke up to find that you had survived. But it seemed that someone else hadn't...


Aust AKA Darlantan, the roleless townie has been killed in the night.


It is DAY. With 4 alive it takes 3 to lynch. DAY will end on Tuesday at 1:30 pm GMT-7. (Or when majority is reached).


NOTE: This is the last day to kill the mafia. Else they win the game.


Im alive? Wow. sorry I didnt post last night but I wanted to look inactive so maybe I wouldnt get killed and could help with the lynch. It was so infuriating watching the last day and not being able to vote



Im alive? Wow. sorry I didnt post last night but I wanted to look inactive so maybe I wouldnt get killed and could help with the lynch. It was so infuriating watching the last day and not being able to vote



Pie is the only way to win

EDIT My post didnt seem to go through, lefts try that again


Also, Shouldn't Tigs have been modkilled at this point? It's not fair to the rest of us that she can't vote due to not being able to get to a computer.


Tigs has been mod killed. It is NIGHT. (I'll do the write up & info later)


Note: There IS a way to win, the townies need to both survive the night to win though.


The day was very quiet. Too quiet. It seems that no one was able to find Tigs. You then look up to find that the mod god has hung her body from the deserter's Tree.


Tigs AKA Tayol the innocent day silencer has been mod killed


I will put up the night results in an hour or so.


The night was full of terror, those that were left were running around in fear hoping that they didn't die! A blood curling scream was heard within the night darkness, and the last of the town knew fear at last. They knew they would be the last to go, but that last of the horrible mafia had come for them at last. As the day came they had a small blade up in front of their body and were pressed into the corner of the Black Tower. What they failed to notice was the dark figure hanging above them. With a last small gurgle Player was hung with a strong rope, and hauled to the top of the Black Tower to rot till the end of his days. It seemed that Limi AKA TheMasterDude has gotten the last laugh in this game.


MCS AKA Talya the town night protector has been killed in the night.

Player AKA Apocalypse, the town PR profit of pie, was hung from the top of the Tower at the start of day by Limi AKA TheMasterDude


List of Character roles:


1. You are Roka, the original leader of the shadow Faction of the Black Tower, and one of the founding members. He contributed many things to the Org including the One Power Rollers and much of the rules and structure of the Org. You are the godfather of the Mafia team and send in the night kill during the night phase. Your special skill is that you can make someone post a picture of a burek (one of your favorite foods) in every one of their posts for the next day phase.


Your other mafia team members are Limi, red211, and aemon.




2. You are Tayol, the original leader of the Light Faction of the Black Tower and long time Org Leader, along with being one of the founding members. He also created much of the current structure of the org with the help of roka. You are town aligned. You are a notorious Irish drunk and your special skill is that you can send in a night action where someone gets into your special liquor closet and is not allowed to post during the following day because they are drunk.



3. You are TheMasterDude, the second leader of the Shadow Faction of the Black Tower, and a long time member of the organization. You are deemed evil, but have shown to have a soft spot for the ladies every once in a while. You are constantly proving you are a badass on the battlefield during the One Power fights and it has been quite a while since anyone defeated you. You are mafia aligned and are the second in line to be the godfather if Roka falls. Your skill is that you search for your one and only bonded Desiree AKA Poledra Sedai you send in who you think she is during the night phase. I will give you one hint that will help you during each of the day phases. If you find her, you she becomes added to your mafia team.


Your other mafia team members are Talya, red211, and aemon.




4. You are eclipse0, one time Org Leader of the Black Tower and light faction leader, you took the job after Tayol resigned. It was once rumored that you had an affair with TheMasterDude which you both deny to this day. You are town alligned. Your skill is that you can block the action of one person during the night phase.



5. You are Talya, the current Org Leader of the Black Tower. You were once the leader of the Light Faction and have been the Org leader since eclipse0 resigned. You have seen to have a soft side and are one of the few people that can hold your own against the highest Shadow One Power fighter TheMasterDude. You are always whipping the Org staff into shape and always are working hard to get things done. You are town aligned. Your skill is that you get to protect someone during the night if the mafia attacks the person that you targeted they are saved. You may target yourself only once during the whole game.



6. You are HeroAndros, a once long time Storm Leader of the Black Tower and one of the original members of the Black Tower. You are the little brother of LadyMo Sedai and originally created and ran the Name That Tune Game. You are town aligned. Your skill is that you are a member of the Mason group. You may speak to your other mason group members at night but you may NOT reveal that you are a member of a mason group in the game thread, or reveal who your character's name is.


The other members of your mason group are Wombat, and keyholder21.




7. You are Chaelca, the only member that was from the Light Faction that 13 Dreadlords from the Shadow Faction used to convert you to the Shadow Faction. You were notorious for bonding members of the Black Tower and were bonded to almost all of them at one time except for a few of the female members and about 2-3 male members. You are town aligned but a vigilante. Your skill is that you may kill someone during the night, you have a 50% chance of success of killing the person. You win with the town and try to kill off the mafia just because you are evil like that.



8. You are Apocalypse, the original famed prophet of pie and its holiness. You try to project the greatness of pie and all that it represents. You have a post restriction of having to refer to pie and its greatness in every one of your posts. Even though you were from the Shadow Faction your status as the great prophet of pie reduced your evilness for most of the time, so you are town aligned.



9. You Zyrshnikashnu, AKA Zyr, you contributed much to the Black Tower, including the spending points table and elemental calculator. You are a computer programmer extraordinaire and so many people could not pronounce your name correctly that you created a .wav file that did it for everyone once upon a time. Even though you were of the Shadow Faction you were such a legend that your evilness didn't show as much so you are town aligned. Your skill is that you get to find the name of someone and their action during the night phase. You are the finder.



10. You are TheDemiGod, AKA Demi, AKA Dunbar, you are one of the founding members of the Black Tower. He scarred many members and flaunted his nude Norwegian parts many a time. You used to run the games review section and were a long time Storm Leader. You were quite the spammer back in the day and have over 60,000 post accredited to your name. You are remembered in Shayol Ghul for being the member that were suspicious of yourself in one game and voting for yourself and getting a bandwagon on yourself on day one and being lynched, in that game you were the towns protector and screwed the town over. You are mafia aligned. Your special skill is that you can use your nudity and flash one of the players and make them go into a coma. They will not be able to talk for one day and one night phase. This skill only has a 50% chance of success though since many have gotten used to your nudity over the years.


Your other mafia team members are Talya, Limi, and aemon.




11. You are Darlantan, one of the founding members of the Black Tower Org and a once a long time Storm Leader. You are about the only member of the Black Tower that actually has an "official" office. You and Kelly Sedai disappear into it many times. Many have searched for it but only a few have ever found it. You are town aligned even though you are from the Shadow Faction. You have no special skill for this game, so sorry.



12. You are LadyMo Sedai, one of the first female members of the Black Tower to become a Storm Leader and one of the older members, you have a little brother named HeroAndros and you used to run the Library review section for the Org. You are town aligned. You have no special skill for this game, so sorry.



13. You are Desiree, the only person to successfully bond TheMasterDude, and the well known female nudist as apposed to demi the male nudist of the Black Tower. As TheMasterDude's bonded you are trying to get him to find you. You may put out subtle hints for him to try to find you, if you successfully get him to find you, you will become part of the mafia team. Otherwise you are a solo win and must survive the game in order to win the game. Since you are trying to get TheMasterDude to recognize you, you get to know who he is. TheMasterDude is Limi in this game.



14. You are Vanion, one badass member of the Black Tower. You are one of the founding members of the Org and a well known Canadian that started their own web design/consulting business and were very successful and able to retire, you have recently started working again out of boredom and a few other reasons and are not as active as you used to be. You used to host the off-site boards to the Org until DM got mad and made everyone stop using off-board sites. You are so cool you are a certified badass. You are mafia aligned and third in line for the godfather position. Since you are such a badass your skill is that you are able to pull the vote of one of the other players lynch votes during the day phase to someone that you want.


Your other mafia team members are Talya, red211, and Limi.




15. You are bratr, one of the older members of the Black Tower. You used to be a Storm Leader for the Light Faction until you decided to go MIA and haven't been heard from since. You are town aligned. You have no special skill for this game, so sorry.



16. You are Maze Kantul, one of the original members of the Black Tower. You were a long time Storm Leader for the Light. You were one of the few that managed to max your One Power stats when it was only 20/30. You are one of the stronger members of the Light Faction and are town aligned.Your skill is that you are a member of the Mason group. You may speak to your other mason group members at night but you may NOT reveal that you are a member of a mason group in the game thread, or reveal who your character's name is.


The other members of your mason group are Wombat, and mmeeshal.




17. You are Gerrendus, you were one of those that were part of the Shadow Faction when the Black Tower was highly in league with the Shayol Ghul Org and were well known for your torture methods. You still show your face from time to time but it is not as well known as it used to be. You are forever an honorary Nae Bliss in the Shadow Faction of the Black Tower you are so respected. You are not mafia or town aligned but a solo win. Your skill is that you are a serial killer and you have a 50% chance of killing someone during the night phase (if they aren't protected). You win if you survive the game.



18. You are Limi, the first leader of the Settlers Faction. You have quickly risen through the ranks and since you didn't want to follow the way of the One Power you convinced Talya to create a Faction that doesn't rely in the One Power and created a rank system all of your own. You have shown to have a soft side (especially for those of the Light Faction) and are town aligned. You have no special skill for this game, so sorry.



19. You are Kelly Sedai, one of the first female members of the Black Tower. You are rumored to have a thing going with Darlantan and have been seen going into his office on the rare occasion. You are one of the few that actually know where the thing exists since it is the only "official" office in the whole Black Tower. Since yours and Darlantan's disappearance it hasn't been seen since. You are of the Light Faction and are town aligned. You have no special skill for this game, so sorry.



20. You are damane, one of the female members of the Black Tower that is known highly for your "special" mass bonding weave. You were one of those that managed to bond many members of the Black Tower at one time, including the famous Tayol. You are of the Light Faction and town aligned. Your skill is that you are the godfather of the Mason group. You may speak to your other mason group members at night but you may NOT reveal that you are a member of a mason group in the game thread, or reveal who your character's name is.


The other members of your mason group are keyholder21, and mmeeshal.



21. You are Chillimous, you were part of the Black Tower when it was very tight with Shayol Ghul. You have a giant chilli vat, and usually you get on peoples nerves, and not a lot of people like you most of the time. You are a pretty cool person if someone gets to know you though. Even though you are pretty evil, you are town aligned for this game. You also have no special skill for this game, so sorry.


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