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Toy and Minion

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she's the one in church shushing all the naughty boys. shes more catholic than anyone i ever met. she couldn't live with thinking she's doing soemthing wrong or tricking anyone.



she's a good girl. don;t know where it came from.


half sister, ya.


marriage is beyond my ability to comprehend.

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No. Women are by nature devious.


She dangled the carrot (switching religions)


Got him to follow the carrot (marriage)


Then let her true self come out (typical female)





she's so devious she can lie to herself and never know she's doing it.


the carrot she dangled was her hot self.


he followed the carrot, but held the religion over her head to please his mom, and made her wait longer than she wanted for the ring, which she will probably punish him for forever.


and her true self is... worth it for the carrot i guess.


but she'll never reconvert. she's as catholic as the pope now.


these are some of the things i don't comprehend about marriage.

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