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[s]Goal: 100,000 New Goal: 200,000[/s] New Goal: 250.000

Toy and Minion

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Because he secretly has a soft spot for all things cute and cuddly.


Or he wants you to think that, and then when he gets them he'll kill the all. He's a devious one.

That makes much more sense. It would explain lots of things, like the Shadowies' attempts to make the Lighties look bad. They're going to pretend to be a softhearted charity and then kill everyone when their backs are turned!!





none in the shadow has ever had to make any effort to make any of the light faction "look bad."


the barely suppressed violence of many of the light springs unbidden to the surface very frequently.

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Firstly, it's the term "loser" that is mean. And no crowns, they're bad for my hair. I'm okay with titles, though. Like "Biggest Spammer EVER." That's okay. Other people might think that means I'm a loser, but I reach whatever goals I'm capable of, since so many are denied me. *sniffles*


Anyway. I may be wrong, I'm working on a reread at the moment, but isn't it said somewhere that the Darkhounds aren't exactly happy with their condition?


Generally speaking, only certain animals serve the Dark One, as far as I can tell. And ravens aren't very cuddly.



since i was referring to my own loserness, it was obviously not meant as an insult. if it was not obvious, i'm sorry.


to me, nothing exemplifies my own loserfulness as well as the post count. if it is something different to you, then it is something different to




please enjoy it, and don't worry about what it is to me.


and the darkhounds are good doggies, yes they are. all doggies are good doggies. and ravens and rats and all that crawls and flies and swims and what have you, are beloved by me. rabbits or bunnies, pets or meat. it's all good.

Edited by cindy
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*comes back from giving an intense back massage to her awesome Lightie peeps*


Anyway, no, it's all good. Spam's not what I came to DM for, but it's literally half the reason I'm still here, so, crazy I am, but it's on my list of priorities. If the other half of my reason wasn't here, though, I might get my spamming done elsewhere, and the post count thing would recede into less-than-huge significance...it's all circumstance, to me. XD


XD Meat, more like.... Only the twisted Shadowspawn and Dark One's Eyes are his pets. XD


And my pets....are NEOPETS!!!

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That little pup in Ayla's sig is unbelievably cuddly. Poor guy may never learn to walk from being carried around and cuddled.

That reminds me of a line from a song in Wicked.... Which I've never seen....but I have the soundtrack, and I will see it one day!!


"And the lion also has a grievance to repay: If she'd let him fight his own battles when he was young, he wouldn't be a coward today!"

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Awww...my doggy is such an attention hog. XD I'll never say it to her face, but she's a beautiful puppy. She's too big to think of her as a puppy, but she's young enough for it yet.... XD


But she loved when I gave her a tummy rub with my foot, since she's dozing by my chair. XD

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She'll start licking the door, high and low, and then stop with her tongue against the glass and her teeth showing and her nose pushed up, and she'll just sit there panting into the glass, looking at us, and she KNOWS she looks funny. XD You can see it in her eyes....

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