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Toy and Minion

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i know you would never hurt a puppy. unless it was zombified.


Exactly. But then it's not a puppy anymore. It's a killer.



all predators are killers. it;s still a puppy. if you catch one zombified, send it to me, i'll take care of it.


later, AH, so long and thanks for all the pups :myrddraal:


*laughs* I will make sure if I find a zombified critter I will send it to you to take care of.

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Just gonna say, Cindy, you're mean. :tongue: It's not very nice to insult the things others hold precious, just because you don't see them that way.


Laters, AH! ^^

^^^This is in response to what you said the page after I went to bed, btw. Totally not joining the current convo--hate zombies, they give me nightmares. XD

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So, I've decided that my next goal is attempting to surpass cindy as the highest poster in this thread.



the way you post it's inevitable, and you're more than welcome to the loser crown

This one.


Also, I still think it's kind of funny that the Dark One is such a softie--is all that torturing people, killing them without pause, and doing whatever it takes to win just a front for a puppy charity?


Not saying that there's anything wrong with protecting puppies....but that is not a Dark One Like activity. Puppies will die along with the rest when the Wheel is broken, the Lace of Ages is unraveled, and the world is a wasteland with INSANE Moridin sitting around playing board games. :tongue: Why would Dark One care?

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Aren't little children cute and cuddly? He doesn't care about them. =(


Also...sweet.... That's the key to the Last Battle, then. Rand needs to get an army of puppies and kittens and bunny rabbits to march on Shayol Ghul and the Dark One will have no choice but to tell his masses of bad guys and Shadowspawn to stand down, and in their midst will stride Rand.... "I offer you these cute and cuddly creatures, IF you submit. Otherwise....they fight."

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Because he secretly has a soft spot for all things cute and cuddly.


Or he wants you to think that, and then when he gets them he'll kill the all. He's a devious one.

That makes much more sense. It would explain lots of things, like the Shadowies' attempts to make the Lighties look bad. They're going to pretend to be a softhearted charity and then kill everyone when their backs are turned!!



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So, I've decided that my next goal is attempting to surpass cindy as the highest poster in this thread.



the way you post it's inevitable, and you're more than welcome to the loser crown

This one.


Also, I still think it's kind of funny that the Dark One is such a softie--is all that torturing people, killing them without pause, and doing whatever it takes to win just a front for a puppy charity?


Not saying that there's anything wrong with protecting puppies....but that is not a Dark One Like activity. Puppies will die along with the rest when the Wheel is broken, the Lace of Ages is unraveled, and the world is a wasteland with INSANE Moridin sitting around playing board games. :tongue: Why would Dark One care?



if the loser crown is precious to you, it shall be yours.


you think you know the great lord... curious... have you visited him? it would explain much, secret shadowfriend :baalzamon:


but i don't know what the great lord has ever done to make anyone think he has a problem with non-human animals. many serve him well. they know no light or hsadow. they only know loyalty. this is a quality much valued the the great lord.

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Because he secretly has a soft spot for all things cute and cuddly.


Or he wants you to think that, and then when he gets them he'll kill the all. He's a devious one.



again, what has the great lord ever done to make you think he would harm fuzzy wuzzy widdle critters?


and what has the shadow faction ever done to make you think any of us would do such a thing?


we may be devious, but we are no danger to companion animals.

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Firstly, it's the term "loser" that is mean. And no crowns, they're bad for my hair. I'm okay with titles, though. Like "Biggest Spammer EVER." That's okay. Other people might think that means I'm a loser, but I reach whatever goals I'm capable of, since so many are denied me. *sniffles*


Anyway. I may be wrong, I'm working on a reread at the moment, but isn't it said somewhere that the Darkhounds aren't exactly happy with their condition?


Generally speaking, only certain animals serve the Dark One, as far as I can tell. And ravens aren't very cuddly.

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