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Toy and Minion

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@Song and AH--I know, that poor rabbit... XD (also, I hated HP movies 3, 4, and 5, so it makes me laugh to see his emo-ness used like this XD)


And the knot one...It's so true...my pocket does things I never knew were possible with my earbuds... XD


@Turin--yup, that last one was THE best. :laugh: Yay CollegeHumor!! XD

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I kind of stopped liking Daniel Radcliffe after I saw HP 3 the first time. It was in our theater here in town, finally, and I didn't have enough money to go...I had half of it. So I spent hours beforehand digging up every coin I could find around the house. My brothers were nice and helped me, so we managed to get the rest of the money in quarters, dimes, and pennies (mostly pennies).


And then I went and saw the movie. And it was the BIGGEST waste of my time and energy ever. XD


Some people say the first 2 were kind of dull, because they stuck to the books too much or something, and I can kind of see that, but they changed the third one so drastically, added so much crap in there, and just ugh. And yeah, the 4th one was hard watching. I was rereading the books over the summer and a friend I was living with had the 4th movie, so while I waited to get my hands on the 5th book (didn't have it with me) I watched the movie. Man, that was hard.


I think it's always hard to get over the differences between a book and its corresponding movie, but there are limits to what is acceptable.


/end rant


Those movies always get me going. XD Lo siento.

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If a baby's leg pops out at 11:59PM but his head doesn't come out until 12:01, which day was he born on?


Personally, I count a baby as being "born" when the delivery is over--when he's completely out of the womb and the umbilical is severed. So the leg popping out is the start of his birth, and his head popping out is pretty much the end....

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Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?


Not all of it is--sometimes it's square, sometimes it's rectangular, sometimes it's all kind of in a clump of thin slices that tear when you separate them....


But maybe it's because they want you to savor the meat when you bite into the sandwich and have some of it sticking out.


Or something.

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Was Mary and Joseph's surname Christ before Jesus was born?


This one's not a huge crazy question. :tongue: "Christ" is a title. It's equivalent to "Messiah" and means "anointed one." It's commonly thought to be a name, but that's not the case.

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Do butterflies remember life as a caterpillar?


Are they even aware of their life as a butterfly? I don't believe so. They couldn't have memories at all, because you have to be conscious of life and yourself as a separate entity from it for that to be the case.

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